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Police investigations in Internet Open Sources: Procedural Law Issues." Computer Law & Security Review 29 (2013): 676-688.
"Police Officer’s Experiences of Supportive and Unsupportive Social Interactions Following Traumatic Incidents." European Journal of Psychotraumatology 4, no. 1 (2013).
"Policy Perspectives on National Security and Foreign Policy Decision Making." Policy Studies Journal 41, no. 1 (2013): 11-37.
"Politburo 2.0 on the Eve of the Reset of Elite Groups In Report January–February 2013. Minchenko Consulting, 2013.
Political and Security Committee (PSC) In Europa, Synthèse de la législation., 2013.
The Political Dimension: Armenian Perspective." In The South Caucasus 2018: Facts, Trends, Future Scenarios, 12., 2013.
"Politics and Economics in Putins Russia. The United States Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute (SSI), 2013.
Politologists: A strike against Syria is inevitable. Vol. 3 September 2013., 2013.
Polonium-210: The Hard-to-Detect Poison that Killed Alexander Litvinenko." The Guardian (2013).
"Pooling and Sharing. European Defence Agency, 2013.
Position Paper of the EP3R Task Forces on Trusted Information Sharing (TF-TIS). European Union Agency for Network and Information Security, 2013.
Position Paper on Resilience. United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, 2013.
Possibilities for improving the draft law ‘On the management of the system for protecting national security’ (in Bulgarian) In CSDM Views. Sofia: Centre for Security and Defence Management, 2013.
Post-Soviet States Between Russia and the EU: Reviving Geopolitical Competition? A Dual Perspective." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 13, no. 1 (2013): 41-51.
"Prace nad przepisem Konwencji o prawach dziecka poświęconym ochronie dzieci przed uczestnictwem w działaniach zbrojnych." In Ochrona Dzieci Przed Uczestnictwem w Działaniach Zbrojnych. Warszawa: Biuro Rzecznika Praw Dziecka, 2013.
"Practical Use of MARKAL/TIMES Models for Modeling, Forecasting and Analysis of Energy Systems Development." Economic Analysis 12, no. 1 (2013): 98-103.
"On the Predictability of Future Impact in Science." Nature: Scientific Reports 3, no. Article number 3052 (2013).
"Preliminary assessment of the gender aspects of disaster vulnerability and loss of human life in South Africa." Journal of Disaster Risk Studies 5, no. 2 (2013): Article 84.
""The President Headed on a Course for Conservatism." Nezavisimaya gazeta (2013).
President Obama and the ‘red line’ on Syria’s chemical weapons." The Washington Post (2013).
"Principles of Defence Management., 2013.
Priorities for Russia-U.S. Relations: A Statement by Former Ambassadors to Washington and Moscow. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Web Site, 2013.
Privacy Settings for Online Social Network ." International scientific defence, security and peace journal 13, no. 24 (2013).
"Probability Theory: A Comprehensive Course. Springer Science & Business Media, 2013.