Export 21463 results:
Identifying Mafia Bosses from Meeting Attendance." In Networks and Network Analysis for Defence and Security, 27-48. Cham: Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2014.
"Impact of mobile Internet on people in Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa. Device Research, 2014.
The Impact of the Internet on Global Networks: A Perspective." In User-Centric Technology Design for Nonprofit and Civic Engagements, 25-40. Vol. 9. Springer, Cham: Public Administration and Information Technology, 2014.
"Impediments to Information and Knowledge Sharing Within Policing." SAGE Open 4, no. 1 (2014).
"Implementation of E-Government services Analysis of factors in case of Ukraine. Vol. Master. Linnaeus University, 2014.
Improved migration for mobile computing in distributed networks." Computer Standards & Interfaces 36, no. 3 (2014): 577-584 .
"Improvements Required for Operational and Tactical Intelligence Sharing in NATO." Defence Against Terrorism Review 6, no. 1 (2014): 47-62.
"In a Time of Crisis, Ukrainians Abroad Unite." Forbes (2014).
"In Sochi, Putin reached agreement with Egyptian president to increase agricultural shipment to Russia by 30%. Vol. 12 August 2014., 2014.
In the Wake of Cyber Damage: Significant Decisions in Cybersecurity 2013-2014." Business Lawyer 70, no. 1 (2014).
"Inductive Discovery of Criminal Group Structure Using Spectral Embedding." Information & Security: An International Journal 31 (2014): 49-66.
"The Influence of Legislation and Government Policy on Patterns of International Defence Trade and Future Markets: The Case of Offset and Directive 2009/81/EC In Doctoral thesis submitted to Brunel University United Kingdom ., 2014.
Information Assurance/Cyber Defence Research Framework In Technical Report. Paris: NATO Science and Technology Organization, 2014.
Information Security Awareness and Behavior: A Theory-Based Literature Review." Management Research Review 37, no. 12 (2014).
"Information Security Management for Higher Education Institutions In Intelligent Data analysis and its Applications, Proceeding of the First Euro-China Conference on Intelligent Data Analysis and Applications. Vol. I. Shenzhen, China, 2014.
Information Sharing and Collaborative Behaviours in Enabling Supply Chain Performance: A Social Exchange Perspective." International Journal of Production Economics 148 (2014): 122-132.
"Information technologies for good governance in defence, security, and the public sector: Experience and outlook In CSDM Views. Sofia: Centre for Security and Defence Management, 2014.
Inside Islamic State’s Oil Empire: How Captured Oilfields Fuel Isis Insurgency." The Guardian (2014).
"Inside the FBI’s Secret Relationship with the Military’s Special Operations." Washington Post (2014).
"Inside the Ring: Cybercom’s Michael Rogers confirms Russia conducted cyber-attacks against Ukraine." The Washington Times (2014).
"Instruction # 8121z 915 of 1 December 2014 on the conditions and procedures for performing operational protection during floods. State Gazette 101 (9 December 2014), 2014.
Intaractive Multimadial Education System (IMES) for the interactive distance education [in Japanese] ." The journal of Sagami Women's University 78 (2014).