Export 21463 results:
Bulgaria Country Risk Report. BMI Research, 2015.
Bulgaria: Information on Capabilities, Organisations, Policies, and Legislation in Crisis Management and Disaster Response In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2015.
Bulgaria Puts Up a New Wall, but This One Keeps People Out." New York Times (2015).
"Bulgaria’s 2014 Annual Defence Report: Plenty of Data, Low Political Impact In CSDM Views. Sofia: Centre for Security and Defence Management, 2015.
On Bulgaria’s Defence Policy 2015-2020 In CSDM Views. Sofia: Centre for Security and Defence Management, 2015.
Bulgarian Foreign Policy, the Conflict “Russia – Ukraine,” and the National Security. Alfa Research, 2015.
The Bulgarian Navy after the Cold War: Challenges of Building and Modernizing an Effective Navy." Naval War College Review 68, no. no. 2 (2015).
"Bulgarian Red Cross., 2015.
"Bullet Proof: Colombia’s Peace Process." The Economist (2015).
The Bundeswehr and Female Soldiers: The Integration of Women into the Armed Forces (2000–2015)." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 14, no. 3 (2015): 61-86.
"By the middle of August 2014 Ukraine lost in ATO 11 aircraft and 9 helicopters. General Staff, 2015.
Bypassing Official Channels, Canada’s Ukrainian Diaspora Finances and Fights a War against Russia." The Globe and Mail (2015).
"Caliphate? A Bait for Fools!" Novaya Gazeta (2015).
"A call to establish a child-centred disaster management framework in Zimbabwe." Journal of Disaster Risk Studies 7, no. 1 (2015): article 148.
"Carl Meacham, Do the BRICS Still Matter?. CSIS, 2015.
Case study on North-West Europe In Deliverable. EvoCS Consortium, 2015.
Case Study on South-Eastern Europe In Deliverable 8.2. EvoCS Consortium, 2015.
Case Study on the Eastern EU Border In Deliverable 6.2. EvoCS Consortium, 2015.
Case Study on West Mediterranean Europe In Deliverable. EvoCS Consortium, 2015.
A Catch-22 in Kenya: Western Terrorism Alerts May Fuel Terrorism." New York Times (2015): A1.
"Cellphone Safety website., 2015.