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NATO 1st Solution (N1S) Concept: Partnership with Customers In Enclosure 3. NCI Agency, 2016.
NATO and Afghanistan., 2016.
NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defence Policy and Planning, reiterated the importance of the “3 Cs of Deterrence” (Capability, Credibility and Communications) In NATO School Oberammergau. NATO Defence Planning Symposium, 2016.
NATO, COI Cooperation Portal., 2016.
NATO, Cyber defence., 2016.
NATO First: Sharing Alliance Capabilities with Nations In NEDP project report. NCI Agency, 2016.
NATO Headquarters., 2016.
NATO in a World of Disorder: Making the Alliance Ready for Warsaw. Washington, DC: The German Marshall fund of the United States, 2016.
NATO ministers approve new reinforcements for eastern Europe. MailOnline, 2016.
NATO Nuclear Deterrence: The Warsaw Summit and Beyond." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 15, no. 4 (2016): 5-30.
"NATO’s Partnerships: Initiatives, Institutions, and Ideas. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: School of Advanced Military Studies United States Army Command and General Staff College, 2016.
NATO’s Support to Ukraine In NATO Fact Sheet. NATO, 2016.
"NATO-Warsaw Summit Communiqué Issued by the Heads of State and Government participating." In Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Warsaw, Press Release. Warsaw, 2016.