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How Civil Institutions Build Resilience: Organizational Practices Derived from Academic Literature and Case Studies . Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2016.
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"How realistic is Libya as an Islamic State “fallback”?" CTC Sentinel 9, no. 3 (2016): 1-5.
"How Russian oligarchs turned the country of Latvia into their own personal money laundering machine. Gangsters Inc., 2016.
How to Search the Internet of Things for Photos of Sleeping Babies. ArsTechnica, 2016.
Human Security, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325, and Vulnerable People: Rhetoric, Solidarity, and Silences in International Human Rights Discourses on Syrian Women Refugees In Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, & Arts. Vol. Bachelor of Science. University of Michigan, 2016.
Hybrid pedagogies for hybrid war In Proceedings of Scientific Research and Education in the Air Force, AFASES 2016. Vol. 18., 2016.
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"Hybrid Warfare: A Known Unknown?. Foreign Policy Association, 2016.
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"Hybrid Warfare and the Changing Character of Conflict." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 15, no. 2 (2016): 65-72.
"Hybrid Warfare: From “War During Peace” to “Neo-Imperialist Ambitions”. The Case of Russia." Modelling the New Europe. An On-line Journal, no. 21 (2016): 97-128.
"Ideas, Beliefs, Strategic Culture, and Foreign Policy: Understanding Brazil's Geopolitical Thought. University of Central Florida, 2016.
Identifying cyber risk hotspots: A framework for measuring temporal variance in computer network risk." Elsevier, Computers & Security 57 (2016): 31-46.
"Identity Gerrymandering: How the Armenian State Constructs and Controls “Its” Diaspora In Department of Political Science. Vol. degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Toronto: University of Toronto, 2016.
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" The Image of Piracy and Maritime Terrorism – Media as the Tool for its Development." Journal of Defense Resources Management (2016).
"Imagined Communities and the Radicalization of Second Generation Muslim Women in the United Kingdom. Ottawa: University of Ottawa, 2016.
Imarat Kavkaz. Kavkazsky Uzel [Caucasian Knot], 2016.
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"The impact of China-Central Asia relations on Xinjiang Uyghur Muslim riots ." Journal of Advances in Humanities and Social Sciences 2, no. 2 (2016): 55-75.
"The Impact of Corruption on National Security and Counter-corruption Strategies." In Foreword to Karin Meghesan and Valentin Stoian, Corruption and National Security: Evaluation and Response, 7-21. Bucharest: National Intelligence Academy “Michai Viteazul”, 2016.
" In the Tracks of Boko Haram in Cameroon. International Crises Group Africa, 2016.