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Cyber conflict short of war: a European strategic vacuum ." European Security (2022).
"Cyber Eyes Wide Open: Creative Collaboration between Artists, Academics & Cyber Security Practitioners In 35th International BCS Human-Computer Interaction Conference. Keele: Keele University, 2022.
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"Cyber hygiene knowledge, awareness, and behavioral practices of university students." Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective (2022).
"Cyber Persistence Theory: Redefining National Security in Cyberspace. Oxford University Press, 2022.
Cyber Red Teaming: Overview of Sly, an Orchestration Tool." Information & Security: An International Journal 53, no. 2 (2022): 273-286.
"Cyber Security Capabilities Maturity Model Based on a Balanced Scorecard In IT4Sec Reports., 2022.
Cyber Security in the Maritime Industry: A Systematic Survey of Recent Advances and Future Trends." Information 13, no. 22 (2022).
"Cyber-Governance-Struktur im Vergleich In Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät. Vol. Bachelorarbeit. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 2022.
Cybersecurity Awareness Modeling Associated with Influential Factors Using AHP Technique: A Case of Railway Organizations in Thailand." In 2022 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA). Chiangrai, Thailand, 2022.
"Cybersecurity Practices for Social Media Users: A Systematic Literature Review ." Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy 2 (2022): 1-18.
"Declaration of the Russian State as a State Sponsor of Terrorism: Pros, Cons, and Realities." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 21, no. 4 (2022): 47-66.
"Defense Diplomacy Strategy in Handling Transnational Crimes at the Sea Borders of Indonesia – Malaysia – Filipina ." International Journal of Social Science And Human Research 05, no. 02 (2022).
"On the Design of Educational Course of Action Wargaming." Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning 49 (2022).
"Designation of the Russian Federation as a State Sponsor of Terrorism: Meeting the “Club of Villains” Criteria." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 21, no. 4 (2022): 29-46.
"Desired Cybersecurity Skills and Skills Acquisition Methods in the Organizations In 21st European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security., 2022.
Detecting One-Pixel Attacks Using Variational Autoencoders." In World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies WorldCIST 2022 ., 2022.
"Developing a NATO Intermediate Force Capabilities Concept." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 21, no. 2 (2022): 67-84.
"The Development of Cybersecurity Information Sharing Framework for National Critical Information Infrastructure in Indonesia." Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal) 5, no. 3 (2022): 22859-22872.
"Development of secure software." International Scientific Journal "Security & Future" VІ, no. І (2022): 39-42.
"Développement d’un système intelligent de reconnaissance automatisée pour la caractérisation des états de surface de la chaussée en temps réel par une approche multicapteurs In Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines . Université de Sherbrooke, 2022.
Dezinformácie ako hybridná hrozba šírená prostredníctvom sociálnych sietí. Agentúrou na podporu výskumu a vývoja, 2022.
Digital Transformation and the Role of the CIO in Decision Making: A Comparison of Two Modelling Approaches In International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management CISIM 2022: Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management. Barranquilla, Colombia, 2022.
Dimensiunile geografice ale traficului de persoane în România." In Conferința Provocări și Strategii în Ordinea Și Siguranța Publică. Academia de Poliție „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din București, 2022.