
Export 21407 results:
Mehrotra, Asha, and Leonard Golding. Mobility and Security Management in the GSM System and Some Proposed Future Improvement In IEEE. Vol. 7. 86 7., 1998.
Hohl, F.. A model of attacks malicious hosts against mobile agents In 4th Workshop on Mobile Object Systems: Secure Internet Mobile Computations ., 1998.
Pew, Richard W., and Anne S. Mavor. Modeling Human and Organizational Behavior: Application to Military Simulations. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1998.
Alvarado, Ernesto, David V. Sandberg, and Stewart G. Pickford. "Modeling Large Forest Fires as Extreme Events." Northwest Science 72 (1998): 66-75.
Istepanian, Robert S. H.. Modeling of a GSM-Based Mobile Telemedical System In Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medical and Biology . Hong Kong, 1998.
Knoblock, Craig A., Jose Luis Ambite, Naveen Ashish, and Steven Minton. Modeling web sources for information integration In Fifteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence . Madison, Wisconsin, 1998.
Sycara, Katya P.. "Multiagent systems." AI Magazine 18 (1998).
Chapelle, Carol A.. "Multimedia CALL: Lessons To Be Learned From Research On Instructed SLA." Language Learning and Technology 2, no. 1 (1998): 22-34.
Semerdjiev, Emil, Kiril Alexiev, and Lubomir Bojilov. Multiple Sensor Data Association Algorithm Using Hough Transform for Track Initiation In First International Conference on Multisource-Multisensor Information Fusion - FUSION'98 ., 1998.
Semerdjiev, Emil, K Alexiev, and L. Bojilov. Multiple Sensor Data Assosiation Using Hough Transform for Track Initiation In First International Conference on Multisource-Multisensor Information. Fusion. Vol. 2. Las Vegas, Nevada, 1998.
Smit, Antoni D.. Nacionalni Identitet. Belgrade: Biblioteka XX vek, 1998.
Wilson, Thomas M., and Hastings Donnan. Nation and State at International Frontiers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
National Human Development Report Republic of Moldova 1998. UNDP, 1998.
"The National Security Concept of the Republic of Bulgaria." National Security Priorities and Factors (1998): 5.
Tagarev, Peter. "National Security Concepts and Information Warfare." Information & Security: An International Journal 1, no. 2 (1998): 33-42.
Deibel, Terry. National Security Strategy: Fundamentals of National Security Strategy. Washington D.C.: National War College, National Defense University, 1998.
Goldgeier, James M.. "NATO Expansion: The Anatomy of a Decision." Washington Quarterly 21, no. 1 (1998): 83-102.
The NATO Handbook, 50th Anniversary Edition. Brussels: NATO Office of Information and Press, 1998.
Schimmelfennig, Frank. NATO’s Enlargement to the East: An Analysis of Collective Decision-Making In EAPC-NATO Individual Fellowship Report 2000., 1998.
Cebrowski, Arthur K., and John J. Garstka. "Network Centric Warfare: Its Origins and Future." Proceedings Magazine 124, no. 1 (1998): 28-35.
Cebrowski, Arthur K., and John J. Garstka. "Network-Centric Warfare: Its Origin and Future." Proceedings of the U.S. Naval Institute 124, no. 1 (1998).
Korzinek, Igor, and Neven Šosterič. Networking of the Distributed Combat Simulation Prototype In 20th Information Technology Interfaces Conference ITI ‘98 . Pula, Croatia: 531–536, 1998.
Arquilla, John, Michele Zanini, and David Ronfeldt. "Networks, Netwar, and Information-Age Terrorism." In Countering the New Terrorism . Vol. 39-84. Santa Monica: RAND, 1998.
Rogov, Sergey. New Eurasian Strategy for Russia. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, 1998.
P., Bergeron, J. Couture, J.-R. Duquet, M. Mayrand, and M. Macieszczak. "A New Knowledge-Based System for the Study of Situation and Threat Assessment in the Context of Naval Warfare." In FUSION ‘98. Las Vegas, 1998.
