Export 21456 results:
Nationalism, Ethnic Separatism and the Intelligentsia." In National Separatism, 18-19. Vancouver, Canada: University of British Columbia Press, 1982.
"Nie wieder Sieg! Programmatische Schriften 1951–1981. Munich, 1982.
Organizational Systematics – Taxonomy, Evolution, Classification. . Oakland, CA: University of California Press:, 1982.
Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency, 1930–1970. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982.
Selected Analytical Concepts in Command and Control . New York: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1982.
Social structure and intergroup interaction: men and women of the federal bureaucracy." American Sociological Review 47 (1982): 587-99.
"Strategies of Containment: A Critical Appraisal of Postwar American National Security Policy . New York: Oxford University Press, 1982.
The Terrorists, Their Weapons, Leaders and Tactics. New York: Facts on File, 1982.
Violence as Communications: Insurgent Terrorism and the Western News Media. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1982.
On War In Anatol Rapoport. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1982.
Základné princípy situačného riadenia a formalizácie rozhodovacách procesov pri riadení zložitých hierarchických systémov. Košice: EF VŠT Košice, 1982.
Речник на чуждите думи в българския език. София: ИБАН, 1982.
An Algorithm for Tracking Multiple Targets." IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems AES-17 (1981): 122-130.
"The Analysis of Some Discontinuous Decision Processes." European Journal of Operational Research 7 (1981): 30-43.
"The Art of War By Sun Tzu . London, England: Hodder and Stoughton, 1981.
Between Peace and War. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981.
Building on the insights of Thucydides, the classic work of the logic of strategic theory is Bruce Bueno de Mesquita. New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 1981.
The Causes of Terrorism." Comparative Politics 13, no. 4 (1981): 383-84.
"The Conduct of War and Limited War . New York: Praeger, 1981.
Contending Theories of International Relations. New York: Harper and Row, 1981.
Control of Air Complexes Operation ., 1981.
A Database Encryption System with Subkeys." ACM Transactions on Database Systems 6, no. 2 (1981): 312-328.
"Educational Ideologies: Contemporary Expressions of Educational Philosophies . Santa Monica, CA: Goodyear Publishing Company, 1981.
Electronic Mail, Return Address, and Digital Pseudonyms." Communication of the ACM 24 (1981): 84-88.