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Arctic Energy and EU Policy: Arbitrary Interest in the Norwegian High North." Arctic 63:1 (200): 30-42.
"The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research. Aldine Publishing Company, 196.
Smuggling Through Abkhazia and Tskhinvali Region of Georgia . Tbilisi, Georgia: American University’s Transnational Crime and Corruption Center [TraCCC], 24.
Applying Formal Methods to a Certifiably Secure Software System." IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 34, no. 1 (8): 82-97.
"The 2016 Coup Attempt in Montenegro: Is Russia’s Balkans Footprint Expanding?(link is external) In Russia Foreign Policy Papers. Philadelphia, PA: Foreign Policy Research Institute.
2D vs 3D Visualization & Social Networks Entertainment Games. A Human Factor Response Case Study." Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8215: 107-113.
"Agents arguing about electronic payments in persuasive negotiations." In IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia.
"America Can’t Abandon the Middle East(link is external). The National Interest.
America’s Pacific Air-Sea Battle Vision(link is external). The Diplomat.
An approach for prioritisation of national interests of the EU Member States." JDST 3, no. 4: 55-83.
" Arab Spring or Islamist Autumn?(link is external). Instute Blijnevo Vostoka.
Asia’s Changing Balance of Military Power: Implications for the South China Sea Dispute." In Maritime Energy Resources in Asia: Energy and Geopolitics. Seattle, WA: National Bureau of Asian Research.
"BeamAuth: Two-Factor Web Authentication With a Bookmark In Proc. of 14th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security. Alexandria, USA.
"Bidzina Ivanishvili’s Address to Politicians, Media and the Public(link is external)." News Georgia.
Bilateral relations: The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia(link is external). European Commission.
Breakthrough or Just Broken? China and Russia’s UNGA Proposal on Cyber Norms(link is external). New Atlanticist.
Civil Security and Crisis Management: The Concept Development and Experimentation Process in Bulgaria (Role of the US, NATO and the EU in SEE)." In The fight against terrorism and crisis management in the Western Balkans, 147-164 . IOS Press.
"Class Differences: Online Education in the United States, 2010. Wellesley, MA: Babson Survey Research Group and the Sloan Consortium.
Co-evolving semi-competitive interactions of sheepdog herding behaviors utilizing a simple rule-based multi agent framework." In Artificial Life (ALIFE), 2013 IEEE Symposium on. Singapore: IEEE.
"A combat complex system based on artificial life." In System Simulation and Scientific Computing, 2008. ICSC 2008. Asia Simulation Conference - 7th International Conference on. Beijing: IEEE.
"Composition of web service based multi-agent." In International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems. Ouarzazate, Morocco .
"Constructivism and International Relations in Asia." In The Oxford Handbook of the International Relations of Asia. Oxford University Press.