Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Seiple, Chris. Revisiting the Geo-Political Thinking of Sir Halford John Mackinder: United States - Uzbekistan Relations 1991-2005 In Faculty of The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy., 2006. Jakštaitė, Gerda. Sulaikymo Ir Įtraukimo Strategijos Šiuolaikinėje Jav Politikoje In Politikos Mokslų Ir Diplomatijos Institutas, Politologijos Katedra. Vol. Magistro baigiamasis darbas. Kaunas: Vytauto didžiojo universitetas, 2008. Popescu, Nicu. EU Foreign Policy and Post-Soviet Conflicts: Stealth Intervention. Routledge, 2011. Buhari-Gulmez, Didem. "Europeanization of foreign policy and world culture: Turkey’s Cyprus policy." Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 12, no. 1 (2012). Popescu, Nicu. Stealth Intervention. The EU and Post-Soviet Conflicts. Vol. dissertation. Central European University, 2009. Tüzünkan, Murat. The Cyprus Question: Continuity, Transformation And Tendencies, Graduate School Of Social Sciences. Vol. Doctor Of Philosophy. Middle East Technical University, 2007. Gulmez, Didem Buhari. "Turkey's Cyprus Dilemma: Europeanization as a Gatekeeper." In Europeanization in a Global Context, 119-139. Springer, 2017. Sommerset, Tonje Barbro. The European Union And The Cyprus Conflict: A Study Of The EU Influence On Different Parts Of The Cyprus Conflict In Department of Sociology and Human Geography. Vol. Master degree in Human Geography. University of Oslo, 2005. Ulusoy, Kıvanç. "Europeanization’s Time Constraint: The Case of Cyprus." In Turkey's Accession to the European Union: Political and Economic Challenges. Lexington Books, 2013. Buhari-Gulmez, Didem. The Cyprus Conflict: A World Society Perspective In Politics and International Relations Working Paper., 2009. Ulusoy, Kıvanç. Doğu Akdeniz'de Güç Mücadelesi ve Kıbrıs Sorunu. International Strategic Research Organization (USAK), 2015. Sapmaz, Ahmet. Rusya’nın Transkafkasya Politikası ve Türkiye’ye Etkileri., 2008. Cisleanu, Radu Constantin. Political and Military Challenges of the Republic of Moldova int Context of Security in the Black Sea Basin. Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School, 2014. Cobb, Scott E.. The Importance of a U.S. Security Strategy in the Caspian Black Sea N/A Region In USMC Command and Staff College. Vol. Master of Military Studies . Quantico, VA: Marine Corps University, 2010. Pavelescu, Serban Liviu. "Considerations on the concept of the Greater Black Sea Area." In Greater Black Sea Area: Concept, Development, Perspectives, 75-98. Bucharest: Military Publishing House, 2007. van Ooyen, Erik, and Rick Schukking. Conflicten in de voormalige Sovjetunie: Een vergelijking tussen Transdnestrië en Abchazië In Opleiding Europese Studies. Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2005. Ziemer, Veronica. Zwischen Europa und Amerika: Polens Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik nach 1989. Springer-Verlag, 2009. Grootoonk, Inge. `Van Warschaupact tot Global War on Terror´: De invloed van het institutionalisme op de modernisering van het defensiebeleid en professionalisering van de strijdmacht van Polen In Historisch Perspectief. Vol. Master Internationale Betrekkingen. Universiteit Utrecht, 2009. Meier, Andrew. Chechnya: To the Heart of a Conflict. W. W. Norton Company, 2004. Samokhvalov, Vsevolod. Relations in the Russia-Ukraine-EU triangle: ‘zero-sum game’ or not? In Occasional Paper, 68. European Union, 2007. Коварский, Николай Никол. Военно-Политическая Интеграция ЕС: Направления, Формы, Методы In Политические проблемы международных отношений и глобального развития. Vol. Кандидат педагогических наук. Москва, 2004. Gower, Jackie, and Graham Timmins. Russia and Europe in the Twenty-First Century: An Uneasy Partnership. London: Anthem Press, 2009. Шаповалова, Олександра Ігорі. Європейська Політика Франції За Президентства Жака Ширака In Інститут Міжнародних Відносин. Vol. Кандидата політичних наук. Київ: Київський Національний Університет Імені Тараса Шевченка, 2009. Talkington, Darin. Information Technology: When is Enough? In Usawc Strategy Research Project. Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania: U.S. Army War College, 2007. Richardson, Jonathon J.. Developing Behavioral Metrics for Decision-Making in Marine Corps Small-Units. Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School, 2013. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 … следваща › последна »