
Advanced Distance Learning for Training National Peacekeeping Forces

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Information & Security: An International Journal, Volume 14, p.45-55 (2004)


ADL, Peacekeeping operations, technology-supported training


The paper discusses the potential of distance learning technologies to support training of the national peacekeeping contingent for its efficient participation in activities of the coalition forces. The overall training period is represented as a sequence of phases, each with specific learning goals and activities. Each phase may be supported by respective learning and training technologies, including personalized access to electronic documents, testing, interactive multimedia instruction, simulations, etc. The suggested approach envisages tailoring learning materials and activities to current mission requirements, course updates based on the participants’ performance results, enhancements and upgrades taking into account feedback from experts. The examples are based on the experience in training Ukrainian military units for participation in the multinational operation in Iraq.