Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications South Eastern Europe Disaster Risk Management Initiative: Desk Study Review Risk Assessment in South Eastern Europe In Final Report, India: RMSI Private Initiative. The World Bank, 2007. Assessment Mission In Cyanide Spill at Baia Mare Romania. UNEP/OCHA, , 2000. Zulean, M., and G. Prelipcean. "Emergency preparedness in Romania: Dynamics, shortcomings and policy proposals." In Technological Forecasting and Social Change., 2012. Law on Public Procurement., 2015. Zakon o Hidrografskoj Djelatnosti., 2015. Zakon o Hidrometeorološkim Poslovima., 2015. The Rulebook on Methodology for the Development of Threat Assessment Studies of Natural, Technical-Technological and Other Disasters. Ministry of Interior, 2007. Directorate for Emergency Situations, National Strategy for Emergency Situations. Ministry of Interior, 2015. Initial National Communication on Climate Change of Montenegro to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Podgorica: Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environment, 2010. National Security Strategy. The Government, 2015. National Security Strategy of Montenegro. The Government, 2005. Institute for Hydrometeorological and Seismological Service of Montenegro., 2015. Izvještaj o Stanju Sistema Zaštite i Spašavanja u Crnoj Gori u 2013 Godini. Ministry of Interior, 2014. Ministry for Spatial Planning and Environment of Montenegro., 2015. Ministry of Interior., 2015. Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism., 2015. National Civil Protection Authorities: Ministry of Interior – Directorate (Directorate) for Emergency Situations., 2015. Public Procurement Administration of Montenegro., 2015. IPA Beneficiary Country Needs Assessment: Montenegro. EU-UNDP, 2011. Chapter 27 – Environment and climate change In Screening Report Montenegro. European Union, EU, 2013. Third ECIS Disaster Risk Reduction Community of Practice Workshop In Ulcinj Capacity Assessment Report. ECIS, 2012. Grigoryan Armen, Becchi Geraldine, Santos Vanda, Disaster Risk Reduction Capacity Assessment Report For Montenegro. UNDP, 2011. World Bank and others The Structure, Role and Mandate of Civil Protection in Disaster Risk Reduction for South Eastern Europe. UNISDIR, 2008. "6. Chapter Six: Meteorological, Hydrological And Climate Services To Support Disaster Risk Reduction And Early Warning Systems In Montenegro." In Strengthening Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems and Risk Assessment in the Western Balkans and Turkey: Assessment of Capacities, Gaps and Needs. World Meteorological Organisation, 2011. Act amending the Act on the Protection against Natural and other Disasters. Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No 28/06, 2006. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 … следваща › последна »