Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Law no. 307 of 12 July 2006 on protection against fire., 2006. Law no. 481 of 8 November 2004 on civil protection., 2004. Order of Ministry of Internal Affairs no. 160 of 23 February 2007 on the rules for planning, organising and performing the emergency prevention activities within the emergency volunteer services., 2007. Order of Ministry of Internal Affairs no. 718 of 30 June 2005, approving the capabilities and organisational structure of emergency volunteer services., 2005. Ordinance no. 1134 of 13 January 2006 approving the Regulation on planning, preparation, organisation, conduct and management of intervention stocks of emergency services professional., 2006. Ordinance no. 1184 of 6 February 2006 for the approval of the organisation and ensure the activity of emergency evacuation., 2006. Ordinance no. 360 of 14 September 2004 approving the performance criteria for the organisational structure and professional equipment for emergency services., 2004. Ordinance no. 370 of 28 September 2004 approving Regulation on organisation and operation of county and Bucharest emergency inspectorates., 2004. Ordinance no. 88 of 30 August 2001 regarding the establishment, organisation and functioning of public services for emergency situations., 2001. Regulation of 12 May 2005 concerning the management of emergencies arising from floods, hazardous weather, hydro construction accidents and pollution incidents., 2005. Volunteer Law no. 195 of 20 April 2001., 2001. National Security Strategy of Romania. Ministry of Defence, 2007. National Strategy on Civil Protection. Official Gazette no. 600, 12 July 2005, 2005. National Strategy for Communication and Public Information for Emergency Situations. Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 426, 6 June 2008, 2008. National Waste Management Strategy., 2013. Institute of Geodynamics “Sabba S. Stefanescu“., 2015. Institute of Geography (Romanian Academy of Sciences)., 2015. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development., 2015. Ministry of Communications and Information Society., 2015. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment., 2015. Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports., 2015. Ministry of Environment and Forests., 2015. Ministry of Foreign Affairs., 2015. Ministry of Health., 2015. Ministry of National Defence., 2015. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 … следваща › последна »