Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Albanian HFA Monitoring Report 2011-2013., 2013. Assessment and recommendations following the Gerdec Explosions. UNDAC, 2008. Disaster Risk Reduction Capacity Assessment Report for Albania. UNDP, 2011. Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction. UNISDR, 2013. Strengthening Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems and Risk Assessment in the Western Balkans and Turkey: Assessment of Capacities, Gaps and Needs. ISDR, WB, WMO, 2012. South Eastern Europe Disaster Risk Mitigation and Adaptation Initiative: Risk Assessment for South Eastern Europe, Desk Study Review. ISDR, WB, 2008. Strengthening the Hydrometeorological Services in South Eastern Europe: South Eastern Europe Disaster Risk Mitigation and Adaptation Programme. ISDR, WMO, WB, 2008. Mitigating the Adverse Financial Effects of Natural Hazards on the Economies of South Eastern Europe: a Study of Disaster Risk Financing Options. ISDR, WB, 2008. The Structure, Role and Mandate of Civil Protection in Disaster Risk Reduction for South Eastern Europe. ISDR, WB, 2008. South Eastern Europe Disaster Risk Mitigation and Adaptation Programme. ISDR, WB, 2008. IPA Beneficiary Needs Assessment: Albania. UNDP and WMO, 2011. Interview with an Expert from a non-governmental organisation., 2015. Decision no. 1489 of 9 September 2004 on the organisation and functioning of the National Committee for Emergency Situations., 2004. Decision no. 1490 of 9 September 2004 on the GIES., 2004. Decision no. 1491 of 9 September 2004 approving the Framework Regulation on the organisation, competence, functioning and endowment committees and operational centres for emergency situations., 2004. Decision no. 1492 of 9 September 2004 concerning the organisation, functioning and responsibilities of the professional emergency services. Vol. replacing Government Ordinance no. 88/2001., 2004. Decision no. 1514 of 29 November 2005 amending Government Decision no. 1 490/2004 for the approval of the organisation and functioning and organisational structure of the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations., 2005. Decision no. 259 of 31 March 2005 on the setting up and establishing the powers of the National Centre for Fire Safety and Civil Protection., 2005. Decision no. 547 of 09 June 2005 approving the National Strategy for Civil Protection., 2005. Decision no. 548/2008, for approval of the National Strategy for Communication and Public Information for Emergency Situations., 2008. Decision no. 95/2003 on the control of major accident hazards involving dangerous substances., 2003. Emergency Ordinance no. 21 of 15 April 2004 on the National System of Emergency Situations Management., 2004. Emergency Ordinance no. 25 of 21 April 2004 amending and supplementing Government Ordinance no. 88/2001 regarding the establishment, organisation and functioning of public services for emergency situations., 2004. Government Ordinance no. 1579 of 08 December 2005 regarding the statute of volunteer personnel from emergency volunteer services., 2005. Government Ordinance no. 160 of 14 February 2007 regarding the conditions and details for using the uniform protection equipment and distinctive signs for emergency volunteer services personnel., 2007. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 … следваща › последна »