Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Polish Ecumenical Council., 2015. Polish Humanitarian Action., 2015. Polish Red Cross., 2015. Polish Scout Union., 2015. Public Procurement Office., 2015. State Fire Service., 2015. State Inspection for Environment Protection., 2015. Volunteer Fire Brigade of the Republic of Poland., 2015. Water Volunteer Rescue Service., 2015. Dworzecki, Jacek. "Crisis Management System in Poland." The Science for Population Protection 4, no. 2 (2012). Horak, Rudolf. "Assessment of the Regions (Municipalities) Safeness." The Science for Population Protection 6, no. 1 (2012). Risk Mapping in the New Member States In JRC Scientific and Technical Reports., 2014. Kolinska, Malgorzata. "Potentials, Abilities, Structures in Hungarian and Polish Management Systems in the Cases of Natural Disasters – A Comparison." Academic and Applied Research in Military Science 11, no. 1 (2012): 107-119. Matczak, Piotr, and Grzegorz Abgarowicz. Country study: Poland In Analysis of Civil Security Systems in Europe. Accessed., 2014. Vela, Paulina Pajkiert. Strengthening the Legal and Policy Framework for International Disaster Response in Poland. Website of the Polish Red Cross, 2014. Interview with PhD Candidate in the Field of Crisis Management., 2014. Law No. 7623, dated October 13, 1992 on “Forests and Forestry Police Services”., 1992. Law No. 7664, dated January 21, 1993 on the “Protection of Environment”., 1993. Law No. 7761, dated October 19, 1993 on “Prevention and Fighting of Contagious Diseases”., 1993. Law No. 7978, dated July 26, 1995 on Armed Forces of the Republic of Albania, changed., 1995. Law No. 8093, dated March 21, 1996, on “Water Reserves”., 1996. Law No. 8408, dated September 25, 1998 on the “Construction Police”., 1996. Law No. 8553, dated November 25, 1999 on the “State Police”., 1999. Law No. 8681, dated November 2, 2000 on “Designing, Construction, Exploitation and Maintenance of Dams and Dikes”., 2000. Law No. 8736, dated February 12, 2001 on “Security of Pressure Equipment in Operation”., 2001. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 … следваща › последна »