Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Krasovska, Hanna, Olha Izmailova, and Kateryna Krasovska. "Approach to Build a Break-out Scenario for Solving Task on Supporting Decision-making Assessment of Real Estate." Upravlinnia rozvytkom skladnykh system 16 (2013): 86-95. Khlaponin, Yurii, and Olha Izmailova. "Approach to Ensure Protection of Corporate Information Systems in Construction." Upravlinnia rozvytkom sklad¬nykh system 31 (2017): 126-131. Zaslavsky, Volodymyr, Eduard Nenakhov, and Anna Strizhak. "Commercial Bank’s Credit Risk Optimization." Teoriya optimalnykh reshenij 4 (2005): 120-126. Berg, Heinz‐Peter. "Risk Management: Procedures, Methods and Experiences." RT&A 2, no. 17 (2010): 79-95. Kaminskyi, Andrii. "Conceptual Approaches to Measuring Financial Risks." Finansy Ukrainy 5 (2006): 78-85. Kravchenko, Volodymyr. "Functional and Integral Approaches to Management of Entrepreneurial Risks: Theory and Practice." Problemy systemnoho pidkhodu v ekonomitsi 2, no. 6 (2008). Buryy, K.. "Classification of Financial Risks of Banking Institutions." Naukovyy visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu bioresursiv i pryrodokorystuvannia Ukraïny 154, no. 3 (2010): 49-56. Nosratabadi, Saeed, Gergo Pinter, Amir Mosavi, and Sandor Semperger. "Sustainable Banking; Evaluation of the European Business Models." Sustainability 12, no. 6 (2020): 2314. Cristian, Amancei. "Practical Methods for Information Security Risk Management." Informatica economica 15, no. 1 (2011): 151-159. Zghurovskyi, Mykhailo. "Scenario Analysis as a Systematic Prediction Methodology." Systemni doslidzhennia ta informatsiini tekhnolohii 1 (2002): 7-38. Hlomazdin, Serhii. "Choosing the Bank’s Credit Risk Assessment Methodology." Sotsium. Nauka. Kultura 8 (2013). Hand, David, and David Weston. "Statistical Techniques for Fraud Detection, Prevention, and Assessment." NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - D: Information and Communication Security. Mining Massive Data Sets for Security 19 (2008): 257-270. Shaporin, Volodymyr, and Olha Plachinda. "Development of Information Security Threat Models to Assess Harm for Assets." Technology audit and production reserves 4, no. 2(24) (2015): 10-15. Krasovska, Hanna, Olha Izmailova, and Kateryna Krasovska. Prototyping of Intellectual Decision Support System for Organizational and Technological Trainings in Construction In XII International scientific and practical conference, “Areas of scientific thought”. Mathematics. Physics. Modern Information technologies. Sheffield, UK: Science and Education , 2016. Krasovska, Hanna, Olha Izmailova, and Kateryna Krasovska. "Approach to Construct an Information Basis for Decision-Making System for a Comprehensive Assessment of Innovative Technogenic Safety Projects in Construction." Shliakhy pidvyshchennia efektyvnosti budivnytstva v umovakh formuvannia rynkovykh vidnosyn: Zb. naukovykh prats 28 (2012): 222-229. Volkovich, Viktor, Alexey Volochin, Vladimir Zaslavskyi, and Igor Ushakov. Models and Techniques for Reliability Optimization of Complex Systems. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1993. Kozhedub, Yurii. "Implementation of a Process Approach to Information Security Risk Management in Documents NIST P-ISSN 2411-1031." Information Technology and Security 2, no. 9 (2017): 76-89. Barybin, Oleksii. "Methodology of Testing for the Penetration of the Website of a Higher Education Institute." Standartyzatsiia, sertyfikatsiia, yakist. Systemy upravlinnia 4, no. 116 (2019): 12-18. Korchenko, Oleksandr, Svitlana Kazmirchuk, and Berik Akhmetov. Applied Information Security Assessment Systems. TsP Komprynt, 2017. Klymov, Sergey. "Methodology for Assessing Possible Damage from the Security Violation of the Information of the Automated System." Yzvestyia TRTU 4, no. 33 (2003): 27-31. Modern Methods and Means of Analysing and Controlling the Risks of the CRAMM Company’s System Security, RiskWatch in HRYF., 2004. Bulbula, Dilek, Hendrik Hakenes, and Claudia Lambert. "What Influences Banks’ Choice of Credit Risk Management Practices." Theory and Evidence 40 (2019): 1-14. Dudykevych, Valeriy, Ivan Prokopyshyn, Vasyl Chekurin, Ivan Opirskyy, Yuriy Lakh, Taras Kret, Yevheniia Ivanchenko, and Ihor Ivanchenko. "A Multicriterial Analysis of the Efficiency of Conservative Information Security Systems." Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 3, no. 9(99) (2019): 6-13. Saaty, Thomas L., and Luis G. Vargas. Decision Making with the Analytic Network Process: Economic, Political, Social and Technological Applications with Benefits, Opportunities, Costs and Risks . Springer, 2013. Zaslavskyi, Volodymyr, Kateryna Krasovska, and Maya Pasichna. "Application of the Method of Analysis of Hierarchies in Solving the Problem of Diversification of the Composition of the Portfolio of Electricity Generation." Visnyk Kyivskoho universytetu, Seriia: Fizyko-matematychni nauky 2 (2017): 123-131. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 … следваща › последна »