Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Evangelista, Stefania, Giovanni De Marinis, Cristiana Di Cristo, and Angelo Leopardi. "Dam-break dry granular flows: experimental and numerical analysis." Wseas Transactions on Environment and Development 10 (2014). Mitková, Veronika Bačová, Pavla Pekárová, Dana Halmová, and Pavol Miklánek. "Reconstruction and post-event analysis of a flash flood in a small ungauged basin: a case study in Slovak territory." Natural Hazards 92 (2018): 741-760. Sebestyénová, Jolana, and Peter Kurdel. "Simulation of Self-organizing Multi-Robotic System used for Area Coverage and Surround of Found Targets ." Wseas Transactions on Environment and Development 11 (2014). Sebestyénová, Jolana, and Peter Kurdel. "Simulation of Self-organizing Multi-Robotic System used for Area Coverage and Surround of Found Targets ." Wseas Transactions on Environment and Development 11 (2014). Mitková, Veronika Bačová, Pavla Pekárová, Pavol Miklánek, and Sona Liova. "Post event analysis of the flash flood in small basin ." Wseas Transactions on Environment and Development 11 (2015). Keramaris, E., and G. Pechlivanidis. "Influence of permeable bed and channel width on turbulent characteristics in inclined open channel flows." ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 23, no. 2 (2017). Kazi, Abdul Ghafoor, Rosman Bin Md Yusoff, Fadillah Binti Ismail, Erni Munastiwi, and Muzammil Muhammad K. Arisar. "Entrepreneurship and Livelihood Restoration at Sindh Pakistan: Mediating Role of Firm Performance." Advanced Science Letters 23, no. 9 (2017): 8138-8143. Τασσόπουλος, Ηλίας. Fire early warning system., 2018. Shrestha, Deepanjal, Tan Wenan, Bikram Adhikari, Deepmala Shrestha, Adesh Khadka, and Seung Ryul Jeong. Design and analysis of mobile based tourism security application: Concepts, artifacts and challenges., 2018. Hong, Y.S., and H.W. Goo. "A fault-tolerant scheduling scheme for hybrid tasks in distributed real-time systems." In Third IEEE Workshop on Software Technologies for Future Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems (SEUS'05). Seattle, WA, USA, 2005. Gerlich, Ralf, and Christian R. Prause. Optimizing the Parameters of an Evolutionary Algorithm for Fuzzing and Test Data Generation In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW). Porto, Portugal, Portugal, 2020. Trushlyakov, Valeriy I., Vladislav A. Urbansky, and Vadim V. Yudintsev. "Reducing Environmental Damage After Emergency Engine Cutoff of the Launch Vehicle." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets (2020). Drozd, Oleksandr, Viktor Antoniuk, Svetlana Antoshchuk, and Myroslav Drozd. "A Method of Common Signal Monitoring in FPGA-Based Components of Safety-Related Systems." In CMIS, 2019., 2019. Wassyng, Alan, Mark S. Lawford, and Thomas S. E. Maibaum. Software certification experience in the canadian nuclear industry: lessons for the future In Software certification experience in the canadian nuclear industry: lessons for the future., 2011. Сивко, Б.В.. Методика доказательства безопасности программного обеспечения микропроцессрных систем железнодорожной автоматики., 2014. Deng, Chang Jian, Hong Yang Hu, and Jian Zhong Ling. "Software Test of Wireless Vibration Nodes of Nuclear Power Plants." In Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol. 336-338., 2013. Odarushchenko, Oleg, and Elena Odarushchenko. "Tool-Based Assessment of Reactor Trip Systems Availability and Safety Using Markov Modeling." In Cyber Security and Safety of Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation and Control Systems., 2020. Gurevich, Yuri, and Saharon Shelah. "Fixed-point extensions of first-order logic." Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 32 (1986): 265-280. Валід, Аль-Хафаджі Ахмед. "Розроблення методики PSMECA аналізу при застосуванні IoT компонентів у системах фізичної безпеки." Радіоелектронні і комп’ютерні системи 3 (2018): 63-73. Валід, Аль-Хафаджі Ахмед. "Розроблення методики PSMECA аналізу при застосуванні IoT компонентів у системах фізичної безпеки." Радіоелектронні і комп’ютерні системи 3 (2018): 63-73. Аль-Хафаджі, Ахмед Валід, Олександр Олекс Соловйов, Дмитро Дмитр Узун, and Вячеслав Сергі Харченко. "Asset Access Risk Analysis Method in the Physical Protection Systems." Radioelectronic and computer systems 4 (2019). Bertolino, Antonia, Guglielmo De Angelis, Micael Gallego, Boni García, Francisco Gortázar, Francesca Lonetti, and Eda Marchetti. "A Systematic Review on Cloud Testing." Systematic Review on Cloud Testing 52, no. 5A (2019). Janani, V., and K. Krishnamoorty. "Cloud Testing as a Service (CTaaS) – Analysis, Design and Implementation ." International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 10, no. 12 (2015): 30393-30405. Starov, O., and S. Vilkomir. "Cloud Services and Tools for Mobile Testing." Радіоелектронні i Комп’ютерні Системи, no. 64 (2013). Yao, Jia, Babak Maleki Shoja, and Nasseh Tabrizi. "An Overview of Cloud Computing Testing Research." In International Conference on Cloud Computing – CLOUD 2019., 2019. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 … следваща › последна »