Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Piella, Guillem Colom. "Anatomía de la desinformación rusa." Historia y comunicación social 25, no. 2 (2020): 473-480. Golovchenko, Yevgeniy. "Measuring the scope of pro-Kremlin disinformation on twitter." Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 7, no. 1 (2020). Mustakim, Zaenal. Promoting Models of Moderate Islam-based Education: Insight from Indonesia and Australia., 2020. Anwar, Moh Khoerul, and Muhammad Wildan. Family Well-being and Radicalism in Digital Era In Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018)., 2018. Georgescu, Alexandru, Adrian Vevera, and Carmen Cîrnu. "A Critical Infrastructure Protection Perspective on Counter-Terrorism in South-Eastern Europe." In Cyber Terrorism and Extremism as Threat to Critical Infrastructure Protection, 133-150., 2020. Пархоменко-Куцевіл, Оксана. "Проблема Сек'юритизації Ісламу у Формуванні Національної Безпеки." Науковий вісник: Державне управління 4, no. 6 (2020). Prezelj, Iztok, and Nina Otorepec Vogrinčič. "Criminal and networked state capture in the Western Balkans: the case of the Zemun clan." Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 20, no. 4 (2020): 547-570 . Porkoláb, Imre, and Ben Zweibelson. "Designing a NATO that Thinks Differently for 21st Century Complex Challenges." Applied Social Sciences DR 1 (2018): 196-212. Willschick, Aaron. In Too ‘DEEP.’ NATO as an Institutional Educator In NATO Association of Canada., 2013. Sharma, Rakesh. "Professional Military Education and Producing Thought Leaders for the Army." Indian Defence Review (2017). McDermott, Tom. Evolving an Intellectual Edge, Professional Military Education for the Australian Army., 2019. Ruiz, Lorenzo. "The Roots of Modern Military Education." RealClear Defense (2018): July 17, 2018. Romanovs, Ugis. "Professional Military Education. Appreciating Challenges of the Learning Environment." Security and Defence Quarterly 4, no. 5 (2016): 58-66. Tran, Thang, Michael Oliveira, Josh Sider, and Leo Blanken. "Ignorance and Professional Military Education: The Case for Operational Engagement." War on the Rocks (2018). Mallick, P.K.. Professional Military Education – An Indian Experience. New Delhi: Krish Printers, 2017. Morgan-Owen, David. "Approaching a Fork in the Road: Professional Education and Military Learning." War on the Rocks (2018). Thornhil, Paula. "To Produce Strategists, Focus on Staffing Senior Leaders." War on the Rocks (2018). Perez, Celestino. "What Military Education Forgets: Strategy is Performance." War on the Rocks (2018). Gudmundsson, Bruce. "A Fourth Way in Professional Military Education." War on the Rocks (2018). Freddie. "Does Professional Military Education Matter?" Wavell Room (2019). Jalili, Duraid. "Future Strategic Priorities, for Professional Military, Education: A Practitioner Perspective." Defence-in-Depth (2016). Georgia, Ministry of Defense. Vision of the Training and Military Education Command., 2020. Kucera, Joshua. Uzbekistan Asks NATO for Military Education Help. Eurasianet, 2013. Austria: NATO Picks off Europe’s Remaining Neutrals., 2013. Ignjatijevic, Marija. How Can NATO Contribute to Regional Cooperation in the Field of Training and Education?. Belgrade: Centre for Security Policy, 2019. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 … следваща › последна »