Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Народно събрание на Република България, Стенограми от пленарни заседания., 2020. G., Tsvetkov. Модернизация или Превъоръжаване: Отбранителната инвестиционна политика в контекста на проекта за Стратегия за сигурност. Сдружение „Дж.Маршал“, 2011. G., Tsvetkov. "Отбранителната инвестиционна политика на България след 2012: възможни рискове и потенциални решения." In „Го¬дишник на ВА „Г.С.Раковски“., 2011. G., Tsvetkov. "Ресурсни индикатори за отбранителните способности. Българските въоръжени сили в сравнителна перспектива." „Проблеми на сигурността и реформа на сектора за сигурност“, Сдружение „Дж.Маршал“ 24 (2013). Gerőcs, Tamás, and Csaba Jelinek. "The System of Hungarian National Cooperation in the Context of the European Union – on Hungary’s EU Integration in a Historical Sociological Approach." Analízis (2018): 12-33, quote on p. 23. Illés, Gábor, András Körösényi, and Rudolf Metz. "Broadening the Limits of Reconstructive Leadership - Constructivist Elements of Viktor Orbán’s Regime-building Politics." The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 20, no. 3 (2018): 790-808. Keszely, László. "Hybrid Warfare and National Resilience, or a Comprehensive Approach Reloaded." Katonai Jogi és Hadijogi Szemle [Military Law and Military Law Review] 1 (2018): 29-62, quote on 61-62. Feher, Adrian. Hungary’s Alternative to Counter Hybrid Warfare. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 2017. Army Design Methodology. Headquarters, Department of the Army, 2015. Haig, Zsolt. Methodology for Defining Critical Information Infrastructures, Information Warfare. ENO Advisory Ltd., 2009. Haig, Zsolt, and István Várhegyi. "Interpretation of Cyberspace and Cyber Warfare." Military Science (2008): 5-10. Rózsa, Tibor. "Theory, Practice and Tendencies of Information Operations." Defence Review 5 (2019): 82-84. Berk, Gábor. "Cyberspace, Its Dangers and the Current Situation of Cyber Defense in Hungary." National Security Review 3 (2018): 5-21. Csutak, Zsolt. "New Warfare of New Times – Cognitive Security in the Age of Information and Cyber Warfare." Defence Review 5 (2018): 33-45. Krasznay, Csaba. "Protecting Citizens in a Cyber Conflict." Military Engineer 7, no. 4 (2012): 142-151, quote on p. 144. Trends in International Law for Cyberspace. NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense of Excellence , 2019. Fidler, David P.. The UN Secretary-General’s Call for Regulating Cyberwar Raises More Questions than Answers. Council of Foreign Relations , 2018. Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. Cyber Security: Paris Call of 12 November 2018 for Trust and Security in the Cyber Space. France Diplomacy, 2018. Davis, Susan. NATO in the Cyber Age: Strengthening Security & Defence, Stabilising Deterrence. NATO Parliamentary Assembly, 2019. T/8029th Bill proposal . Prime Minister’s Office, 2019. Kovács, László, and Csaba Krasznay. "Digital Mohács: A Cyberattack Scenario against Hungary." Nation and Security 44 (2010): 44-56. Hausken, Kjell. "Cyber Resilience in Firms, Organizations and Societies." Internet of Things (2020). Chopra, Anil. "Cyber Warfare a Key Element of Multi Domain Wars – Time to Push India." Air Power Asia (2020). Pétursson, Gustav. NATO’s Policy on Civil Resilience: Added Value for Small States? In SCANSE Research Project, Policy brief., 2018. Karaganov, Sergey. "Russia Is Forced to Defend Its Interests with Iron Hand." Russia in Global Affairs (2014). Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 … следваща › последна »