Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Website: Kosovo Thanks You., 2019. Survey of Serbian Public Opinion: November 24 – December 3, 2015. Centre for Insight in Survey Research, 2015. Većina građana Srbiji smatra da je Kosovo traino izgubljen. SEEbiz, 2018. Serbia’s Cooperation with China, the European Union, Russia and the United States of America. European Parliament, 2017. McCain, John. "The Balkans Are Heating Up Again - and Washington Is Nowhere to Be Seen." The Washington Post (2017). Felberbauer, Ernst M., and Predrag Jureković. A Region in Limbo: South East Europe in the Light of Strained Western-Russian Relations In Study Group Information Band. Republic of Austria: Federal Ministry of Defense and Sports, 2015. Stavenes, Magnus. Back to the Future? Planning for uncertainty A call for bridging the security and development communities In Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Global development and planning. University of Agder, 2020. Phillips, Peter J., and Gabriela Pohl. "Disinformation Cascades, Espionage & Counter-Intelligence." The International Journal of Intelligence, Security, and Public Affairs (2020). Mehrer, Angela. Information Warfare and the Politics of Threats: An analysis of Russian Information Warfare on Germany and its Perception by German politicians In Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Political Science. Vol. Master thesis. Prague: Charles University , 2020. Hurak, Ihor, and Paul D’Anieri. "The Evolution of Russian Political Tactics in Ukraine." Problems of Post-Communism (2020). Bolton, Derek. "Targeting Ontological Security: Information Warfare in the Modern Age." Political Psychology (2020). Mayer, Sebastian. Kooperation im Politikfeld Sicherheit. Wiesbaden: Springer, 2020. Dufour, Patricia Aya. "“We are not getting the good stories out”: revisiting Quebec media coverage and NATO's strategic narrative for the International Assistance and Security Force (ISAF)." Journal of International and Public Affairs 11 (2020). Mackenzie, Simon. Transnational Criminology: Trafficking and Global Criminal Markets. Bristol: Policy Press, 2020. Ninsiana, Widhiya. "Deradicalizing Religious Extremism Linguistically: An Intertextual Approach to Islamic Extremists’ View on the Qur’anic Interpretation." Jurnal Pemikiran Islam 25, no. 02 (2020). Михайлович, Доронін Іван. Національна Безпека України В Інформаційну Епоху: Теоретико-Правове Дослідження. Vol. Дисертація. Київ: Науково-Дослідний Інститут Інформатики i Права Національної Академії Правових Наук України, 2020. Sirri, Lana. Islamic Feminism: Discourses on Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Islam. London : Routledge, 2020. Severinsen, Jens. In Fear of Colour Revolutions: A Neoclassical Realist Study of Russia’s Colourless Foreign Policy in the Post-Soviet Space., 2016. Pontes, Rúbia Marcussi. A China na grande estratégia dos Estados Unidos da América: da contenção à histórica política de engajamento In Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas’. Campinas: Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2020. Бельский, ВИ, ДВ Примшиц, and ЛГ Тригубович. "Развитие аналитических компетенций академических кластеров как инструмент усиления экспертного сопровождения государственного управления." Известия Национальной академии Беларусиил Серия гуманитарных наук 65, no. 3 (2020): 367-376. Libel, Tamir. "Strategic culture as a (discursive) institution: a proposal for falsifiable theoretical model with computational operationalization." Defence Studies 20, no. 4 (2020). Balakrishnan, Nandita N.. Where Have All the Coups Gone? In The Department Of Political Science . Vol. Doctor Of Philosophy. Stanford University, 2020. Kovács, Attila Máté. "Stranger Things – Threats and Opportunities Related to the Internet of Things." National Security Review 1 (2020): 165-177. Poptchev, Peter. "NATO-EU Cooperation in Cybersecurity and Cyber Defence Offers Unrivalled Advantages." Information & Security: An International Journal 45 (2020): 35-55. Poptchev, Peter. "The Importance of Doctrinal Alignment and Structured Coordination among NATO and EU Member States for Developing a Holistic Cybersecurity and Cyber Defence Strategy." In NATO Science & Technology Organization, Research Workshop on Integrated Approach to Cyber Defence: Human in the Loop., 2018. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 … следваща › последна »