Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Miloslavskaya, Natalia G.. Cybersecurity Culture as an Element of IT Professional Training. ResearchGate, 2016. Michael, Sony, Karingada Therisa Kochu, and Baporikar Neeta. Quality Management Implementation in Higher Education: Practices, Models, and Case Studies . IGI Global, 2019. Cybersecurity Considerations for Institutions of Higher Education., 2019. Good Practice Guide on Training Methodologies In Report/Study. ENISA Europa, 2020. NATO Communications and Information (C&I) Academy., 2020. ESDC - European Security and Defense College., 2020. 2018 State of the Administration Report., 2019. Republic of Bulgaria, August 2019. State e-Government Agency, 2020. Chief Information Officer. Executive Guide., 2020. Expertise in IICT–BAS., 2020. Blagoev, Ivan, and Vladimir Monov. "Criteria and Methodology for the Evaluation of e-Learning Management Systems based on the Specific Needs of the Organization." International Journal of Education and Information Technologies 12 (2018): 134-141. Vassileva, Gergana, Vladimir Monov, and Ivan Blagoev. E-learning model for personalised online education based on data analysis and competence profile In International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies “EDULEARN19”. Palma de Mallorca Spain, 2019. Verina, Natalja, and Jelena Titko. Digital transformation: Conceptual framework In Int. Scientific Conference “Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Economics Engineering’2019”. Vilnius, Lithuania, 2019. C.Verhoef, Peter, Thijs Broekhuizen, Yakov Bart, Abhi Bhattacharya, John Qi Dong, Nicolai Fabian, and Michael Haenlein. "Digital transformation: A multidisciplinary reflection and research agenda." Journal of Business Research (2019). Tsonev, Yuliyan, and Milen Sotirov. Implementation of Gamification in the University Classrooms In Seventh national conference “E-learning in higher education”. Sofia, 2018. United States Naval Academy Official Website., 2020. United States Cyber Science Department., 2020. Tsonev, Yuliyan, and Marin Marinov. Nyakoi osobenosti na metodikata pri obuchenieto za izpolzvane na slozjni programni produkti In Morski nauchen forum. Vol. 2. Varna, 1996. Bulgarian Naval Academy Official Website., 2020. Annansingh, Fenio, and Ali Bright. "Exploring barriers to effective e-learning: case study of DNPA." Interactive Technology and Smart Education 7, no. 1 (2010): 55-65. Chamie, Joseph. World population 2020: Overview. Yale Global Online , 2020. Hyttinen, Kirsi, Róisín Smit, and Rowena Timms. "Soft Skills for Peacekeeping and Crisis Management Experts' Gaming for Peace Project." In Seminar publication on contemporary peace operations – from theory to practice. Finnish Defence Forces International Centre, 2017. Learning by Developing. Laurea University of Applied Sciences, 2011. Singh, Sumanjeet. "Developing e-skills for competitiveness, growth and employment in the 21st century." International Journal of Development Issues 11, no. 1 (2012): 37-59. Baumgartner, Peter, and Sabine Payr. Methods and practice of software evaluation: The case of the European Academic Software Award (EASA) In ED-MEDIA 97 - World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia. Charlottesville, AACE, 1997. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 … следваща › последна »