Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications "International Organization for Standardization." Information and Documentation – Records Management – Part 1: Concepts and Principles (2016). Canton, L.G.. Emergency Management: Concepts and Strategies for Effective Programs. Wiley: Hoboken, NJ, 2006. Quarantelli, E.L.. "Just as a Disaster is not Simply a Big Incident, So a Catastrophe is not Just a Big Disaster." Journal of the American Society of Professional Emergency Planners 3 (1996): 68-71. "Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction. United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction." In UNISDR. Geneva, Switzerland, 2009. Pryor, P. Hazard as a Concept. Tullamarine, Australia: Safety Institute of Australia, 2012. "Overview of Natural and Man-made Disaster Risks in the EU." Brussels, Belgium: European Commission, 2014. Kates, R., I. Burton, and G. White. " The Environment as Hazard." Guilford Press: New York, NY (1993). Quarantelli, E.L.. "What Is A Disaster? Perspectives on the Question." Routledge: London and New York (1998): 228. Cutter, S.L.. " American Hazardscapes: The Regionalization of Hazards & Disasters in the United States." Joseph Henry Press: Washington, D.C. (2001). A. Bokwa, Föhn, and P.T Bobrowsky. "In Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards .", 346. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 2013. DHS Risk Lexicon. Department of Homeland Security. , 2010. Cutter, S. L.. Living with Risk. London: Edward Arnold, 1993. Weichselgartner, J. "Disaster Mitigation: The Concept of Vulnerability Revisited." Disaster Prevention and Management 10 (2001): 85-95. Risk Management – Risk Assessment Techniques. International Organization for Standardization , IEC 31010:2019., 2019. All Hazards Risk Assessment Methodology Guidelines 2012–2013. Ottawa: Public Safety Canada, 2012. Overview of natural and man-made disaster risks in the EU. Brussels, Belgium: Commission Staff Working Paper. European Commission, 2014. Concepts in Emergency Management. The Basis of EHA Training Programmes in WPRO. Vol. 31 May 2020. World Health Organisation, 2020. National Response Framework In 3rd edition. Washington, D.C.: Department of Homeland Security, 2016. Ife, J.W.. Community Development: Creating Community Alternatives – Vision, Analysis and Practice. . Melbourne, Australia: Longman, 1995. Shaluf, I.M, F.-R Ahmadun, and A.M. Said. " A Review of Disaster and Crisis." Disaster Prevention and Management 12, no. 1 (2003): 24-32. P. Shrivastava, Bhopal. Anatomy of Crisis. 2nd edition. London: Ballinger, 1992. "European Parliament and the Council. Decision No 1313/2013/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on a Union Civil Protection Mechanism. ." Official Journal of the European Union L 347 (2013): 924-947. Risk Assessment and Mapping Guidelines for Disaster Management. Brussels, Belgium: European Commission, 2010. Blanchard, W.. Guide to Emergency Management and Related Terms, Definitions, Concepts, Acronyms, Organizations, Programs, Guidance, Executive Orders & Legislation. A Tutorial on Emergency Management, Broadly Defined, Past and Present. . Washington, D.C.: Department of Homeland Security, 2008. Pandemic Influenza Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Guide for Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources. . Washington, D.C.: Department of Homeland Security. , 2006. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 … следваща › последна »