Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Ahmed, Rizwan, and Rajiv V. Dharaskar. "Mobile Forensics: An Overview, Tools, Future Trends and Challenges from Law Enforcement Perspective." In 6th International Conference on E-Governance, ICEG, Emerging Technologies in E-Government, M-Government., 2008. Lillard, Terrence V., Clint P. Garrison, Craig A. Schiller, and James Steele. Digital Forensics for Network, Internet, and Cloud Computing: A Forensic Evidence Guide for Moving Targets and Data. Syngress Publishing, 2010. Solomon, Michael G., K. Rudolph, Ed Tittel, Neil Broom, and Diane Barrett. Computer Forensics Jumpstart . Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing Inc., 2011. Casey, Eoghan. Digital Evidence and Computer Crime: Forensic Science, Computers and the Internet. Boston, MA: Academic Press, 2011. McCarthy, N.K.. The Computer Incident Response Planning Handbook: Executable Plans for Protecting Information at Risk . McGraw-Hill Osborne Media, 2012. Camacho, José. "Visualizing Big Data with Compressed Score Plots: Approach and Research Challenges." Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 135 (2014): 110-125. Garfinkel, Simson L.. "Digital Forensics Research: The Next 10 Years." Digital Investigation 7 (2010): S64-S73. Zetter, Kim. Sony Got Hacked Hard: What We Know and Don’t Know So Far. Wired, 2014. Tagarev, Todor, and Valeri Ratchev. DRIVER+ Taxonomy of Crisis Management Functions 2020 In IT4Sec Reports., 2020. Gustafson, Scott, and Hikmat Kashouh. Preventing That Which We Fear: The Church’s Role in Countering Radicalization., 2019. Andermo, Erik, Martin Kragh, and Liliia Makashova. "Conspiracy Theories in Russian Security Thinking." Journal of Strategic Studies (2020). Barros, Diana Raquel Mur. A Posição eo Futuro da NATO no Século XXI In Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa. Universidade de Lisboa, 2019. Ogar, Sarah. Covert Networks: A Comparative Study of Intelligence Techniques Used By Foreign Intelligence Agencies to Weaponize Social Media. Vol. Master of Arts. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University, 2019. DeDominicis, Benedict E.. "The Globalization of Hybrid Warfare and the Need for Plausible Deniability." In Encyclopedia of Criminal Activities and the Deep Web., 2020. Alusa, Doreen. Kenya’s Changing Counterterrorism Policy: From the Unsecuritization to the Securitization of Terrorism. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy. Murdoch University, 2019. Dugato, Marco, and Alberto Aziani. "Measuring (Transnational) Organized Crime as an Indicator of Global Justice." Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences (2020). Borsboom, Matthieu J. M., Antonios Chatzidakis, Barry Burton, General Antonio Conserva, Sigitas Dzekunskas, Tore Kvalvik, Ian Mack, Rustem Ozarmagan, Ricardo Ferreira Reis, Todor Tagarev et al. NATO Governance and Delivery of Commonly Funded Capabilities: Improving Support to NATO Commanders., 2017. Tagarev, Todor. "Towards the Design of a Collaborative Cybersecurity Networked Organisation: Identification and Prioritisation of Governance Needs and Objectives." Future Internet 12, no. 4 (2020). Prav, Roman. "Monitoring of the development of information infrastructure in Ukraine." Technology audit and production reserves 3/4, no. 47 (2019): 12-18. Green, Andrew, Amy B. Woszczynski, Kelly Dodson, and Peter Easton. "Responding to Cybersecurity Challenges: Securing Vulnerable US Emergency Alert Systems." Communications of the Association for Information Systems 46 (2020): 187-208. Saganjuk., F.V., V.S Frolov., O.V. Ustymenko., and M.M. Lobko. Sektor bezpeky i oborony Ukrai’ny: teorija, strategija, praktyka [The Ukrainian Security and Defence Sector: Theory, Strategy, Practice] (in Ukrainian). Kiev: Akadempres, 2017. Gorbulin, Vladimir P., and A.B. Kachyns’kyj. Strategichne planuvannja: vyrishennja problem nacional’noi’ bezpeky [Strategic Planning: Solving National Security Problems]. Kyiv: NISD, 2010. On the National Security Strategy of Ukraine (in Ukrainian) In President’s Decree., 2007. Decree of the President of Ukraine of 6 May 2015 on the Decision of National Security and Defence Council "On the National Security Strategy of Ukraine" (in Ukrainian)., 2015. President’s Decree #287/2015 as of May 26, 2015., 2015. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 … следваща › последна »