Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Ismail, Mohamed. Sony Pictures and the U.S. Federal Government: A Case Study Analysis of the Sony Pictures Entertainment Hack Crisis Using Normal Accidents Theory In College of Arts and Letters, and the Department of Communication Studies. Vol. Master of Arts. University of Southern Mississippi, 2017. Sadiku, Matthew N. O., Adebowale E. Shadare, Sarhan M. Musa, and Cajetan M. Akujuobi. "Cyberterrorism." Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST) 3, no. 12 (2016). Kil, A.N.. Small States and Cyber Security: The cases of Estonia, Lithuania, Georgia and Moldova. Vol. Bachelor., 2018. Bates, Justin D.. Ways to Improve DoD 8570 IT Security Certification . Colorado Technical University, 2017. Minović, Adriana, Adel Abusara, , Vladimir Erceg, Predrag Tasevski, Vladimir Radunović, and Franziska Klopfer. Cybersecurity in the Western Balkans: Policy gaps and cooperation opportunities. Geneva: DiploFoundation, 2016. Bosnia and Herzegovina Cyber Profile In Cyber Intelligence Report. GEO-Pol, Financial, 2018. Mušić, Safet, and Anesa Agović. Online Radicalisation – Security Challenge That Endures In Third Sarajevo International Conference on Social Sciences by FBA., 2017. Åkermark, Sia Spiliopoul, Saila Heinikoski, and Pirjo Kleemola-Juntunen. Demilitarization and International Law in Context: The Åland Islands. Routledge, 2018. Richards, Melvin S.. Evaluating the Resources, Rural Law Enforcement Management Needs to Counter Violent Extremist Behaviors. Colorado Technical University, 2017. Bonfanti, Matteo E.. “One Single Official Voice or Multiple Voices?” Ensuring Regulatory Compliance in Communicating (CBRN) Emergency or Crises In Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Cham: Springer, 2017. Chalaris, Michail. "Preparedness and Response to Nuclear Crisis Synopsis of Essential International Obligations and Cooperation Mechanisms." International Journal of Terrorism & Political Hot Spots 12, no. 1 (2017): 41-55. Ardic, Zeynep. Searching for Transitional Justice Mechanisms in the Kurdish Question in Turkey: addressing violations of social, economic and cultural rights. Vol. PhD thesis. University of Sussex, 2018. Ekşi, Muharrem. "Türk Dış Politikasının Ultimo Ratiosu: Yumuşak Güçten Sert Güce Türkiye’nin Suriye Politikası." Karadeniz Araştırmaları XV, no. 60 (2018): 71-99. Nikolic, Nebojsa. "On Methodological Approaches to Defence Sector Reform." In XVI International Symposium 2016 SYMORG., 2016. Nikolic, Nebojsa. "Former Soldiers’ Attitudes Towards Active Reserve Service." In XVI International Symposium 2016 SYMORG., 2016. Oloidi, Aramide. Cyber-security Challenges in Financial Institutions in Nigeria: A Multiple Case Study. Vol. PhD dissertation. San Diego, CA: Northcentral University, 2019. Minchev, Zlatogor. "Methodological Approach for Modelling, Simulation & Assessment of Complex Discrete Systems." In National Conference on Informatics, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Professor Peter Barnev., 2015. Minchev, Zlatogor. Cyber Threats Identification in the Evolving Digital Reality In National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society". Plovdiv, 2016. Minchev, Zlatogor. "Multiple Human Biometrics Fusion in Support of Cyberthreats Identification." Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Special Issue on Information Fusion 15, no. 7 (2015). Wirtz, Bernd W., Jan C. Weyerer, and Carolin Geyer. "Artificial Intelligence and the Public Sector—Applications and Challenges." International Journal of Public Administration 42, no. 7 (2019). Minchev, Zlatogor, and Luben Boyanov. "System Modelling & Experimental Assessment of IoT Cybethreats in Future Smart Homes." In 5th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education (ICAICTSEE – 2015). Sofia, Bulgaria: UNWE, 2015. van Eekelen, Willem, and Philipp Fluri. Defence Institution Building: A Sourcebook in Support of the Partnership Action Plan. Geneva: DCAF, 2006. Bucur-Marcu, Hari. Defence Institution Building – A Self-Assessment Kit. Geneva: : DCAF, 2010. Solomon, Erika, Guy Chazan, and Sam Jones. "ISIS Inc.: How Oil Fuels the Jihadi Terrorists." Financial Times (2015). Yayla, Ahmet S., and Colin P. Clarke. "Turkey’s Double ISIS Standard." Foreign Policy (2018). Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 … следваща › последна »