Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Pennacchiotti, Marco, and Ana-Maria Popescu. Democrats, republicans and Starbucks afficionados: user classification in Twitter In 17th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining., 2011. Ostapenko, Hryhoriy A., Lyudmyla V. Parynova, Volodymyr Y. Belonozhkyn, Yuriy L. Bataronov, and Kyryl V. Symonov. Informacyonnye ryski v socyalnyh setjah. Voronezh: Chair of NIB, 2013. Gubanov, Dmitriy A., Dmitriy A. Novykov, and Aleksandr G. Chhartyshvyly. Socyalnye sety: modely ynformacyonnogo vlyjanyja, upravlenyja y protyvoborstva. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo fyzyko-matematycheskoj lyteraturyi, 2010. Horbulin, Volodymyr P., Oleksandr H. Dodonov, and Dmytro V. Lande. Informacijni operacii ta bezpeka suspilstva: zagrozy, protydija, modeljuvannja. Kyiv: Intertehnologija, 2009. Barrett, Chris, Stephen Eubank, and Madhav Marathe. "Modeling and simulation of large biological, information and socio-technical systems: an interaction based approach." In Interactive Computation. Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006. Molodetska, Kateryna. "Tehnologija vyjavlennja organizacijnyh oznak informacijnyh operacij u socialnyh internet-servisah." Problemy informacijnyh tehnologij 20 (2016): 84-93. Molodetska-Hrynchuk, Kateryna. "Metodyka vyjavlennja manipuljacij suspilnoju dumkoju u socialnyh internet-servisah." Informacijna bezpeka 3, no. 23 (2016): 80-92. Molodetska-Hrynchuk, Kateryna. "Metod pobudovy profiliv informacijnoi bezpeky aktoriv socialnyh internet-servisiv." Informacijna bezpeka 1, no. 25 (2017): 104-110. Voronyn, Albert, and Juriy Zyatdynov. "Nelynejnaja shema kompromyssov v mnogokryteryalnыh zadachah." Information Science & Computing. Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making (2008). Molodetska-Hrynchuk, Kateryna. "Metod ocinjuvannja oznak zagroz informacijnij bezpeci derzhavy u socialnyh internet-servisah." Avtomatyzacija tehnologichnyh i biznes-procesiv 9 (2017): 36-42. Molodetska-Hrynchuk, Kateryna. "Model systemy pidtrymky pryjnjattja rishen dlja vyjavlennja oznak zagroz informacijnij bezpeci derzhavy u socialnyh internet-servisah ta ocinjuvannja ih rivnja." Bezpeka informacii 23, no. 2 (2017): 136-144. Hryshchuk, Ruslan V., and Kateryna Molodetska. "Metod prognozuvannja dynamiky poshyrennja kontentu j zapytiv na nogo za danymy kontent-analizu povidomlen u socialnyh internet-servisah." Systemy upravlinnja, navigacii ta zv’jazku 4, no. 36 (2015): 60-65. Hryshchuk, Ruslan, and Kateryna Molodetska. "Synergetic Control of Social Networking Services Actors’ Interactions." In Recent Advances in Systems, Control and Information Technology. SCIT 2016. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Vol. 543. Cham: Springer, 2017. Kolesnykov, Aleksandr A.. Synergetycheskoe metodы upravlenyja slozhnыmy systemamy: teoryja systemnogo synteza. Moscow: Edytoral URSS, 2005. Molodetska, Kateryna. "Sposib pidtrymannja zadanogo rivnja popytu aktoriv socialnyh internet-servisiv na content." Radioelektronika, informatyka, upravlinnja 4, no. 35 (2015): 113-117. Molodetska, Kateryna. "Syntez synergetychnogo upravlinnja popytom agentiv na kontent u socialnyh internet-servisah." Informatyka ta matematychni metody v modeljuvanni 5, no. 4 (2015): 330-338. Jacenjuk ne vojuvav u Chechni, istorija Bastrykina ne shodytsja – uchasnyk pershoi chechenskoi vijny. Radio Svoboda, 2015. ’Vyzytka Jarosha,’ yly pjat punktov TV-propagandyi. BBC Russisan Service, 2014. Azimov, Oleksandr T.. "Monitoring of the urban agglomeration environment by aerospace survey data (in Ukrainian)." In Ecology and Human Health. Protection of Water and Air Basins. Waste Utilization, 47-50 . Kharkov: USSRI UkrVODGEO, 2004. Azimov, Oleksandr T., and Anastasiia Bunina. "Estimation of pollution areas of atmospheric air using the satellite data (the Mariupol hub as an example) (in Ukrainian)." In Aerospace Technologies for Sustainable Development and Security (GEO-Ukraine), 38-40. Kyiv: SRI of NASU-SSAU, NTUU “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, 2016. Bunina, Anastasiia, Oleksandr T. Azimov, and Yelyzaveta M. Dorofey. "Application of geoinformation approach to the study of secondary migration of the pollutants from the industrial pollution sources." In 16th EAGE Int. Conf. on Geoinformatics – Theoretical and Applied Aspects., 2017. Dzhuvelykyan, Hachik, Dmitriy Shcheglov, and Nadezhda Gorbunova. Pollution of Soils with Нeavy Metals. Methods of Soil Pollution Monitoring and Regulation (in Russian). Voronezh: Voronezh University Press, 2009. Fortescue, John A. C.. Environmental Geochemistry: A Holistic Approach. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1980. Heavy metals in the components of the environment Mariupol City: Ecological and geochemical aspects (in Ukrainian). Kiev: Interservis, 2014. Lastochkin, Alexander. Relief of the Earth’s surface: Principles and methods of statistical geomorphology (in Russian). Leningrad: Nedra, 1991. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 … следваща › последна »