Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Iklé, Fred Charles. "After Detection – What?" Foreign Affairs 39, no. 2 (1961): 208-220. Smith, David R.. The EU Divided: Effects of Dissimilar National Foreign Policies on CSDP. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University, Yale College, 2011. Howorth, Jolyon. "From Security to Defence: The Evolution of the CFSP." In The International Relations of the European Union, 182. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. "High Representative Mogherini presents EU Global Strategy for Foreign and Security Policy." In EU Summit. Brussels, 2016. Maastricht Treaty., 1992. Morris, Ian. "A Brief History of Britain’s Relationship, Starting in 6000 BCE." Harvard Business Review, Digital Article (2016). Grant, Charles. Why Is Britain Eurosceptic. Essay, Center for European Reform, 2008. Berlaymont, Simon. Tony Blair and Europe. Open Democracy, free thinking for the world, 2007. O’Donnell, Clara Marina. Britain and France should not give up on EU defence co-operation In Policy Brief. Center for European Reform, 2011. Howorth, Jolyon. "The CSDP without the UK: bad for Europe but even worse for Britain." In The Common Security and Defence Policy: National Perspectives. Brussels: The Royal Institute for International Relations, 2015. LLP, Herbert Smith Free. The Lisbon Treaty – brief overview of the key changes. European Union, 2009. Jones, Alistair. Britain and the European Union. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2007. Waterfield, Bruno. "Britain blocks EU plans for ‘operational military headquarters’." The Telegraph (2011). Smith, Simon J.. "European Defence, CSDP and the UK: two cases of catch-22." In The Common Security and Defense Policy: National Perspectives. Brussles: The Royal Institute for the International Relations, 2015. Fiott, Daniel. The Common Security and Defense Policy: National Perspectives In EGMONT Paper. Brussels: The Royal Institute for the International Relations, 2015. Timeline: UK’s road to action in Libya. BBC News, 2011. Harding, Thomas. "Libya: Navy running short of Tomahawk missiles." The Telegraph (2011). "War in Libya: Europe’s confused response." The International Institute for Security Studies 17, no. 18 (2011). National Security Strategy and Strategic Defence and Security Review 2015 In Policy Paper., 2015. Keohane, Daniel. Can France and Germany lead European Defence?. Europe’s World, 2017. van Fenema, Paul C., Sebastiaan Rietjens, and Petervan Baalen. "Stability & Reconstruction Operations as Mega Projects: Drivers of Temporary Network Effectiveness." International Journal of Project Management 34, no. 5 (2016): 839-861. Van Fenema, P, S Rietjens, and B. Besters. "De-Conflicting Civil-Military Networks." In Network Topology in Command and Control: Organization, Operation, and Evolution. IGI Global, 2014. van Fenema, PC, J Soeters, and R. Beeres. "Military organizations' capabilities for heterogeneous value creation." In Managing Military Organisations: Theory and Practice, 255-269. Routledge, 2010. Matwiczak, Kenneth. A Comprehensive Database of Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan. Austin, TX: Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin, 2009. Harsch, Michael F.. The Power of Dependence: NATO-UN Cooperation in Crisis Management. Oxford University Press, 2015. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 … следваща › последна »