Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Mowatt-Larssen, Rolf. Islam and the Bomb: Religious Justification For and Against Nuclear Weapons. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Kennedy School, 2011. The Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism. US Department of State, 2015. Council, UN Security. Resolution 1540 (2004)., 2004. Salik, Naeem. "Nuclear Terrorism: Assessing the Danger." Strategic Analysis 38, no. 2 (2014): 180. Nunn, Sam. Remarks to the American Nuclear Society., 2013. Remarks by President Barrack Obama. The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, 2009. UN says 25,000 foreigners have joined IS group, al Qaeda. France 24, 2015. Cairo Suicide Bomber Identified as a Former Army Officer. The National, 2013. Brussels Jewish Museum Killings: Suspect ‘Admitted Attack’. BBC News, 2014. Sito-Sucic, Daria. Man who Fought in Syria Detained in Bosnia Over Police Killing. Al Arabiya, 2015. Williams, Bryan Glyn. "On the Trail of the ‘Lions of Islam’: Foreign Fighters in Afghanistan and Pakistan, 1980–2010." Orbis 55, no. 2 (2011): 216-39. Hegghammer, Thomas. "The Rise of Muslim Foreign Fighters: Islam and the Globalization of Jihad." International Security 5, no. 3 (2010): 53-94. Lacharite, Gretchen. "Kasi Gets Death in CIA Killings." Washington Times (1998). Lance, Peter. 1000 Years for Revenge: International Terrorism and the FBI - The Untold Story. New York: ReganBooks, 2003. Bell, Stewart. Terrorist Returns: Tory Urges Ottawa to Consider Revoking Citizenship. National Post, 2005. Zelin, Aaron Y.. The Return of Sunni Foreign Fighters in Iraq. The Washington Institute, 2014. Anzalone, Christopher. "Kenya’s Muslim Youth Center and Al-Shabab’s East African Recruitment." CTC Sentinel 5, no. 10 (2012): 9-13. Black, Andrew. "Al-Suri’s Adaptation of Fourth Generation Warfare Doctrine." Terrorism Monitor 4, no. 18 (2006). "Al-Malahem Media." Inspire 1 (2010): 32. Lone Mujahid Pocketbook. Al-Malahem Media, 2013. Mullins, Sam. Home-Grown’ Jihad: Understanding Islamist Terrorism in the US and UK. London: Imperial College Press, 2015. Bakier, Abdul Hameed. "The Islamic State Issues a Statement in an Effort to End the Inter-Jihadist Rivalry." Terrorism Monitor 12, no. 19 (2014). Botelho, Greg, and Ray Sanchez. France: Raids Kills 3 Suspects, Including 2 Wanted in Charlie Hebdo Attack. CNN, 2015. Nine British Medics Feared to Have Crossed into Syria. BBC News, 2015. Neumann, Peter R.. Foreign Fighter Total in Syria/Iraq Now Exceeds 20,000; Surpasses Afghanistan Conflict in the 1980s. International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation, 2015. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 … следваща › последна »