Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Vietti, Francesca. Migrants in Search of Human Security: Reflections on the Lampedusa Tragedies by an Italian Red Cross Field Officer., 2013. Noll, Gregor, Jessica Fagerlund, and Fabrice Liebaut. Study on the Feasibility of Processing Asylum Claims outside the EU. the Danish Centre for Human Rights, European Commission, 2002. Resettlement and Other Forms of Admission for Syrian Refugees. UNHCR, 2015. Jackson, Gabrielle. "UN Expert: Rich Countries Must Take in 1 Million Refugees to Stop Boat Deaths." The Guardian (2015). Projected Global Resettlement Needs Report 2015. UNHCR, 2014. 10% of Refugees from Syria: Europe’s Resettlement and Other Admission Responses in a Global Perspective. ICMC, 2015. UNHCR Urges Focus on Saving Lives as 2014 Boat People Numbers Near 350,000. UNHCR, 2014. Smith-Spark, Laura, and Susannah Cullinane. European Migrant Crisis: A Country-by-Country Glance. CNN, 2015. Sikmic, Simona. From Syria to Serbia: The Migrants’ Balkan Backdoor. Middle East Eye, 2015. Lyman, Rick. "Bulgaria Puts Up a New Wall, but This One Keeps People Out." New York Times (2015). van Gulik, Gauri. Time for Europe to End the Refugee Shame. Amnesty International, 2015. Grierson, Jamie, and Matthew Weaver. "Croatia Moves Refugees to Hungarian Border – As It Happened." The Guardian (2015). State of the Union 2015: Time for Honesty, Unity and Solidarity. European Commission, 2015. Council Decision Establishing Provisional Measures in the Area of International Protection for the Benefit of Italy and Greece. Council of the European Union, 2015. Traynor, Ian, and Patrick Kingsley. "EU Governments Push Through Divisive Deal to Share 120,000 Refugees." The Guardian (2015). Jovanovic, Milos. Non-traditional Transnational Security Challenges in Serbian, British and Dutch Security Discourses: A Cross-country Comparison, in Exploring the Security Landscape – Non-traditional Security Challenges In forthcoming. Dordrecht: Springer, 2015. Justice and Home Affairs In 3405th Council Meeting. Brussels: Council of the European Union, 2015. Banking on Mobility over a Generation In Special Rapporteur’s June 2015 report on the EU. UN, 2015. Nussbaum, Martha. Women and Human Development: The Capabilities Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Kleinig, John, and Nicholas G. Evans. "Human Flourishing, Human Dignity, and Human Rights." Law and Philosophy 32 (2013): 539-564. Magatti, Mauro, and Chiara Giaccardi. Generativi di tutto il mondo unitevi! Manifesto per la società dei liberi. Milano: Feltrinelli, 2014. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, A European Agenda on Migration. European Commission, 2015. Beck, Ulrich. "The Cosmopolitan Society and its Enemies." Theory, Culture and Society 19, no. 1-2 (2002): 17-44. de France, Olivier, and Nick Witney. Europe’s Strategic Cacophony In European Council of Foreign Relations., 2013. Swejis, Tim, Joshua Polchar, Boaz Manger, Willem Oosterveld, and Laurin Nabuko Hainy. Assessing Evolving Concepts of Security In Deliverable 3.1, EvoCS Consortium., 2015. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 … следваща › последна »