Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Act XXXI of 1996 on fire control and technical rescue and fire., 1996. Government Regulation 290/2011 on the implementation of certain provisions of Act CXIII., 2011. Government decree on the establishment, organisation and operation of the Disaster Management ., 2011. Governmental Coordination Committee (1150/2012)., 2012. NDGDM Regulation 49/2011 on professional disaster management bodies., 2011. NDGDM Regulation 61/2012 on the classification of local disaster management bodies., 2012. NDGDM Regulation 62/2011 on the rules for protection against disasters., 2011. The Fundamental Law of Hungary., 2013. Hungarian National Security Strategy., 2012. National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior of Hungary., 2015. Ministry of Interior of Hungary., 2015. Hungarian Civil Protection Association., 2015. Hungarian Red Cross., 2015. Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority., 2015. Hungarian Scout Association., 2015. Hungarian Central Statistical Office., 2015. Seismological Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences., 2015. Commissioner for Fundamental Rights., 2015. Strong Europe with a Human Touch In The Programme of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union., 2011. Council conclusions on Further Developing Risk Assessment for Disaster Management within the European Union., 2011. Hungary: National Progress Report on the Implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (2009-2011)., 2011. Hungary: National Report 2009-2011 of Hungary on the Progress on the Implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action., 2011. National Risk Assessment. Synopsis. Accessed., 2011. Sallai, Marta Sallai. The Tragical Story of the August 20, 2006. Website of the World Meteorological Organzation, 2006. Takacs, Viktoria, and Piotr Matczak. Country study: Hungary In Analysis of Civil Security Systems in Europe., 2014. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 … следваща › последна »