Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Cabinet of Ministers Regulation 1354., 2009. Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No.198., 2002. Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 772., 2008. Crisis Communication Action Plan - 2011 to 2013., 2014. National Civil Protection Plan into force 1 January 2007., 2008. Annual Report on the Implementation of the Swiss–Latvian Cooperation Programme in Latvia April 2013 – March 2014., 2014. Cyber Security Strategy of Latvia 2014–2018., 2013. Latvian Red Cross Strategy 2010 – 2012., 2009. National Security Concept of the Republic of Latvia (2002)., 2002. National Security Concept of the Republic of Latvia (2005)., 2005. State Defence Concept., 2012. Strategy of the Ministry of Interior 2014 – 2016., 2013. Government of the Republic of Latvia., 2015. Ministry of Interior of Latvia., 2015. Ministry of Defence of Latvia., 2015. State Fire and Rescue Service., 2015. Fire Safety and Civil Protection College., 2015. State Border Guard., 2015. Vademecum: Country profiles - Latvia., 2015. Hellenberg, Timo, and Pekka Visuri. Project Country Study: Latvia. ANVIL Project, 2013. Stern, Eric K., and Dan Hansén. Crisis Management in a Transitional Society: the Latvian Experience. Elanders Gotab AB: Vällingby, 2004. Second Investigation Department under the Ministry of National Defence Assessment of Threats to National Security., 2014. Buus, Stephanie, Lindy M. Newlove, and Eric K. Stern. Value Complexity in Crisis Management: The Lithuanian Transition., 2005. Bianchi, Tiziana, and Valentina Guidi. Comparative Survey on the National Public Procurement Systems across the PPN. Rome, 2010. Halonen, Terhi Elomaa & A.. EUROBALTIC Survey: Civil Protection Research in the Baltic Sea Region (2007). University of Helsinki , 2007. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 … следваща › последна »