The Impact of International Sanctions on Russia: Challenges for Georgia
The Impact of International Sanctions on Russia: Challenges for Georgia In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 22., 2023.
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Prospects for EAEU Members' Cooperation with Crimea Following Its Disputed Accession to the Russian Federation
Prospects for EAEU Members' Cooperation with Crimea Following Its Disputed Accession to the Russian Federation In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 22., 2023.
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Framing Trade and Peace in the Time of Covid-19: The World Trade Organization and the Narratives of Inclusion of Peripheral Trade Zones
Framing Trade and Peace in the Time of Covid-19: The World Trade Organization and the Narratives of Inclusion of Peripheral Trade Zones." Information & Security: An International Journal 48, no. 2 (2021): 185-198.
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