The Weaponization of Emerging Technologies and Their Impact on Global Risk: A Perspective from the PfPC Emerging Security Challenges Working Group

Innovation and Technology in the Russo-Ukrainian War

The 'Grey Zone' and Hybrid Activities
The Current Security Environment: Hybrid Threats and the Grey Zone
In recent years, studies of the international security environment have increasingly drawn attention to what is becoming understood as hybrid threats and the grey zone.[1] A recent RAND study defined the grey zone as “an operational space between peace and war, involving coercive actions to change the status quo below a threshold that, in most cases, would prompt a conventional

Hybrid Warfare and the Need for Intermediate Force Capabilities
Analyses of the international security environment have increasingly drawn attention to what is often referred to as the gray zone.[1] A RAND study exploring hybrid warfare/gray zone challenges defined this part of the competition continuum as “an operational space between peace and war, involving coercive actions to change the status quo below a threshold that, in most cases, would prompt a conventional military response, often by blurring the line between military and non-military actions and the attrib

How to Support Teams to be Remote and Productive: Group Decision-Making for Distance Collaboration Software Tools

Biology’s Misuse Potential