The Weaponization of Emerging Technologies and Their Impact on Global Risk: A Perspective from the PfPC Emerging Security Challenges Working Group
The Weaponization of Emerging Technologies and Their Impact on Global Risk: A Perspective from the PfPC Emerging Security Challenges Working Group." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 24, no. 1 (2025): 91-112.
24.1.07_weaponization.pdf — Downloaded 643 times
Sustaining Resilient Military Training in the Multi-Domain Era: Challenges and Opportunities
Sustaining Resilient Military Training in the Multi-Domain Era: Challenges and Opportunities." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 24, no. 1 (2025): 59-71.
24.1.05_adl.pdf — Downloaded 250 times
Shaping a Shared Future Through Scientific Cooperation: 25 Years of the Euro-Atlantic Conflict Studies Working Group
Shaping a Shared Future Through Scientific Cooperation: 25 Years of the Euro-Atlantic Conflict Studies Working Group." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 24, no. 1 (2025): 47-58.
24.1.04_conflict_studies.pdf — Downloaded 160 times
The PfP Consortium Regional Stability in South East Europe Working Group at 25: The Transformed Balkans and the Work Ahead
The PfP Consortium Regional Stability in South East Europe Working Group at 25: The Transformed Balkans and the Work Ahead." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 24, no. 1 (2025): 17-29.
24.1.02_southeast_europe.pdf — Downloaded 298 times
Twenty-Five Years of Excellence in Collaborative Research and Education
Twenty-Five Years of Excellence in Collaborative Research and Education." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 24, no. 1 (2025): 5-9.
24.1.00_editorial.pdf — Downloaded 170 times
Hybrid Threats and Strategic Competition
Hybrid Threats and Strategic Competition." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 23, no. 2 (2024): 159-171.
23.2.01_hybrid_threats.pdf — Downloaded 172 times
Unfolding Geopolitical Events Suggest a New Order in Strategic Competition - Perspectives from West Africa
Unfolding Geopolitical Events Suggest a New Order in Strategic Competition - Perspectives from West Africa." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 23, no. 2 (2024): 143-158.
23.2.12_west_africa.pdf — Downloaded 189 times
India's Stake and Role in the U.S.-China Strategic Competition
India's Stake and Role in the U.S.-China Strategic Competition." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 23, no. 2 (2024): 92-105.
23.2.10_india.pdf — Downloaded 237 times
Strategic Competition and U.S. National Strategies
Strategic Competition and U.S. National Strategies." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 23, no. 2 (2024): 33-45.
23.2.07_neumeyer.pdf — Downloaded 208 times
Reforming Serbia's Normative Framework and Suppression of Organized Crime as a Major Security Threat - A Never-ending Story
Reforming Serbia's Normative Framework and Suppression of Organized Crime as a Major Security Threat - A Never-ending Story." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 22, no. 4 (2023): 27-44.
22.4.02_organized_crime.pdf — Downloaded 48 times