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Vultures of Law and Morality., 2019.
Webs of Corruption: Trafficking and Terrorism in Central Asia. New York: Columbia University Press, 2019.
Website: Kosovo Thanks You., 2019.
Western Balkans Countries-EU – International Trade in Goods Statistics In Eurostat: Statistics Explained., 2019.
What are the Top Ten Data Center Best Practices?. TechXact, 2019.
What Doesn’t Break Boko Haram in Niger Makes It Stronger. Institute for Security Studies, 2019.
What else can fool deep learning? addressing color constancy errors on deep neural network performance In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision., 2019.
What If Blockchain Cannot Be Blocked? Cryptocurrency and International Security." Information & Security: An International Journal 43, no. 1 (2019): 13-20.
"What Influences Banks’ Choice of Credit Risk Management Practices." Theory and Evidence 40 (2019): 1-14.
" What is HIPAA Compliance? 2019 HIPAA Requirements. Digital Guardian, 2019.
What is SOX Compliance? 2019 SOX Requirements & More. Digital Guardian, 2019.
What is the Future of IoT or Internet of Things in next 5 years?. SoftScript, IoT, Latest News, Marketing Trends, 2019.
Whitepaper: The Finish Electronic Communi¬cations Regulator TRAFICOM – A Cybersecurity Reference Model for Europe. Helsinki: SAINT Consortium/Traficom, 2019.
Who’s Gonna Make the Debate Stage?" POLITICO (2019).
"Why are the Russophobes angry? Washington will try to stop “Turkish Stream“ at any cost”., 2019.
Why Digital Ecosystems of Civil-Military Partnerships Are a Game Changer for International Security and Defence." Information & Security: An International Journal 42 (2019): 33-47.
"Why Is Anti-Chinese Sentiment on the Rise in Central Asia." The Diplomat (2019).
"Why is Bulgaria Not Buying UAVs?. Bulgarian & International Military and Defence News, 2019.
Why is Emilian Gebrev wandering the television studios?. Monitor, 2019.
Why People Join Terrorist Groups in Kuwait: A Qualitative Examination,” ." Political Psychology 41, no. 2 (2019).
"Wildland Fire Suppression Measures with Water Resources from Nature." In DIGILIENCE 2019. Sofia, Bulgaria, 2019.
"The Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: How Russia’s Internet Research Agency Tweets Appeared in U.S. News as Vox Populi ." The International Journal of Press/Politics (2019).
"World Employment and Social Outlook. Geneva: International Labor Organization, 2019.
The world in 10 years. Institut Français des Relations Internationales (IFRI) , 2019.