
Export 21463 results:
Jenkins, Brian. International Terrorism: A New Kind of Warfare In The RAND Paper Series. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 1974.
Tversky, A., and K. Kahneman. Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases In Science., 1974.
Wilkinson, Paul. Political Terrorism (1974). London: Macmillan, 1974.
Schriber, T.J.. Simulation Using GPSS. New York: Wiley, 1974.
Baxter, R.. "Some Existing Problems of Humanitarian Law." In The Concept of International Armed Conflict: Further Outlook, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Humanitarian Law. Brussels, 1974.
Arafat, Yasser. Speech before the General Assembly of the United Nations. U.N. GAOR In 29th Sess., 2282nd plen. Mtg. at 861, 48. Palestinian Liberation Assembly Org., 1974.
Comtet, L.. "Sperner Systems." Advanced Combinatorics: The Art of Finite and Infinite Expansions (1974): 271-273.
