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Internet of Things – Applications and Future In Proceedings of 2019, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems book series 114., 2019.
Internet of Things for Industry and Human Application: Fundamentals and Technologies. Vol. 1., 2019.
Internet Security Threat Report. Vol. 24. Symantec, 2019.
Introduction to digital image analysis in whole-slide imaging: a white paper from the digital pathology association." Journal of pathology informatics 10, no. 1 (2019): 9.
"An Introduction to Variational Autoencoders." arXiv:1906.02691 (2019).
"IoT for Smart Grids. Springer, 2019.
IoT Standards and Protocols. Postscapes, 2019.
Iran's Foreign Policy in the South Caucasus: Relations with Azerbaijan and Armenia. Routledge, 2019.
The Islamic State’s Provinces on the Peripheries: Juxtaposing the Pledges from Boko Haram in Nigeria and Abu Sayyaf and Maute Group in the Philippines." Perspectives on Terrorism 13, no. 1 (2019): 87-104.
"ISO 27001 Official Page., 2019.
ISO/IEC 27000 Family - Information Security Management Systems. International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 2019.
ISTR Internet Security Threat Report. Symantec, 2019.
Ivan Geshev: Banev has been secretly communicating with Russian lobbyists from his cage. BTV News, 2019.
Kaznenopravni aspekti kibernetičkog ratovanja In Pravni fakultet. Zagreb: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, 2019.
Kenya’s Changing Counterterrorism Policy: From the Unsecuritization to the Securitization of Terrorism. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy. Murdoch University, 2019.
“Key to the defense of the free world”: The past, present and future relevance of NATO for US allies in the Asia–Pacific." Journal of Transatlantic Studies (2019): 1-17.
"Knowledge sharing and innovation capabilities: The moderating role of organizational learning." Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences (PJCSS) 13, no. 2 (2019): 455-486.
"Künstliche Intelligenz im öffentlichen Sektor: Anwendungen und Herausforderungen." VM Verwaltung & Management 25, no. 1 (2019): 37-44.
"Kurdish Political Identity within the Realm of Turkish Politics and Kemalism In Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Vol. Master. Linköping University, 2019.
La ciberseguridad social: Un ámbito emergente de la seguridad nacional/Social Cybersecurity: An Emerging National Security Requirement." Military Review (2019).
"Leadership and the significance of formalized organizational structures: Crazy Horse vs Custer." Journal of Management History (2019).
"LEAP., 2019.
Learning-Based Anomaly Detection and Monitoring for Swarm Drone Flights." Applied Sciences 9, no. 24 (2019): 5477.
"The Logical Model of Unified, Innovative Platform for Automation and Management of Standards (PAMS)." Information & Security: An International Journal 43, no. 1 (2019): 113-120.