Export 21463 results:
Early prediction of wheat grain yield production from root-zone soil water content at heading using Crop RS-Met." Field Crops Research 232 (2019): 11-23.
"Economic Migration and Communal Violence in Pakistan." International Migration (2019).
"The Effects of Trust and Influence on the Spreading of Low and High Quality Information." Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 525, no. C (2019): 657-663.
"eGovLab., 2019.
Ekuivalensi Terjemahan Hadis Misoginis Kitab Ṣaḥīḥ Bukhāry. Vol. Masters Thesis. UIN Sunan Kalijaga, 2019.
E-learning model for personalised online education based on data analysis and competence profile In International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies “EDULEARN19”. Palma de Mallorca Spain, 2019.
Energy Security in the Age of Interconnection: Cyber-threat Framing in British Political Discourse In Faculty of Social Studies. Vol. Master's Thesis. Masaryk University, 2019.
Ep. 48: Cyberwarfare today. Washington D.C.: Defense One Radio , 2019.
e-Platform Architecture for Organisational Collaboration and IT Education." Information & Security: An International Journal 43, no. 2 (2019): 161-172.
"e-Platform for IT Personnel Development: Addressing the most Strategic Challenge in the Cyber Domain – People." Information & Security: An International Journal 42 (2019): 95-116.
"Estimate of Winter-Wheat Above-ground Biomass based on UAV Ultrahigh-groundresolution Image Textures and Vegetation Indices." ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 150 (2019): 226-244.
"Ethereum Delegated Transactions Service. Crypatograph DApp, 2019.
EU Cybersecurity Act. European Parliament and of the Council, 2019.
EU Struggles to Balance Trans-Atlantic Ties with Exposure to Huawei. Brussels: New Europe, 2019.
Europe Media Monitor (EMM)., 2019.
European Defence Agency., 2019.
On European Power. Rome: Instituto Affari Internazionali, 2019.
European Test bed for the maritime Common Information Sharing Environment in the 2020 perspective. UCISE2020, 2019.
The European Union Moves Ahead on Cybersecurity Research Through Enhanced Cooperation and Coordination." Information & Security: An International Journal 42 (2019): 67-81.
"Evaluating the Information Security Awareness of Smartphone Users." arXiv:1906.10229 (2019).
"Evolution Dynamics of Attribute-Rich Social Networks In Department of Computer Science Rensselaer. Vol. Doctor of philosophy. New York: Polytechnic Institute Troy, 2019.
The Evolution of Resilience in Supply Chain Management: A Retrospective on Ensuring Supply Chain Resilience." Journal of Business Logistics 40, no. 1 (2019): 56-65.