Export 21463 results:
Credibility over Courage: NATO’s Mis-Intervention in Kosovo." Journal of Strategic Studies 26, no. 1 (2003): 82-83.
"Crime and Balkan Security Contextualizing Criminality and Security in South Eastern Europe." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 2, no. 2 (2003): 51-53.
"The Criminal Law. Official Gazette of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 36/03, 37/03, 21/04, 69/04, 18/05, 42/10, 42/11, 59/14, 76/14, 2003.
The Criminal Law in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 3/03, 2003.
The Criminal Law of Brčko District. Official Gazette of Brčko District, 10/03, 45/04, 06/05, 21/10, 52/11, 2003.
The Criminal Law of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Official Gazette of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 36/03, 37/03, 21/04, 69/04, 18/05, 42/10, 42/11, 59/14, 76/14, 2003.
The Criminal Law of Republic of Srpska. Official Gazette of Republic of Srpska, 49/03, 108/04, 37/06, 70/06, 73/10, 1/12, 67/13, 2003.
The Criminal Procedural Law. Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 3/03, 32/03, 36/03, 26/04, 63/04, 13/05, 48/05, 46/06, 76/06, 29/07, 32/07, 53/07, 76/07, 15/08, 58/08, 12/09, 16/09, 93/09, 72/13, 2003.
The Criminal Procedural Law of Brčko District. Official Gazette of Brčko District, 10/03, 48/04, 06/05, 12/07, 14/07, 21/07, 27/14, 2003.
The Criminal Procedural Law of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Official Gazette of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 35/03, 37/03, 56/03, 78/04, 28/05, 55/06, 27/07, 53/07, 09/09, 12/10, 08/13, 59/14, 2003.
Criminology. SPB Academic Publishing, 2003.
Croatian helicopter crews fly for KFOR In ., 2003.
Cryptanalysis of a Modified Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards." IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 49, no. 4 (2003): 1243-1245.
"Cryptanalysis on Mu-Varadharajan’s e-Voting Schemes." Applied Mathematics and Computation 139, no. 2-3 (2003): 525-530.
"The Current Security Situation in Serbia: Challenges Following the Assassination of Prime Minister Djindjic." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 2, no. 2 (2003): 39-43.
"The Current State on Civil-Military Relations in Germany." In First Swiss Summer School on Democratic Governance of Civil- Military Relations., 2003.
"Cyber War; The Warnings?. PBS Frontline, 2003.
Cyprus. Case study about a failure of ethno-national understanding . Frankfurt am Main, 2003.
Dark Side of Peacekeeping: Kofi Annan is Calling for UN Troops to be sent to Liberia." The Independent (2003).
"Das Militär in Tschetschenien: Hindernis auf dem Weg zu einer politischen Lösung In Diskussionspapier der Forschungsgruppe Russland., 2003.
De la Democratie en Europe: Old Concepts and New Challenges." Journal of Common Market Studies 4, no. 1 (2003): 1-13.
"De Manhattan à Bagdad – Au-delà du Bien et du Mal. Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 2003.