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Understanding the Resilience of Violent Jihadi Movements: The Sources of Militant Durability. Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School, 2020.
Understanding the Resilience of Violent Jihadi Movements: The Sources of Militant Durability . Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School, 2020.
Understanding the stakeholder roles in business continuity management practices – A study in public sector." In 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Maui, Hawaii, 2020.
"Universal Dependency Relations., 2020.
Update- und Patch-Management. Bundesamt für Sichereit in der Informationstechnik, 2020.
upply Chain 4.0: A Survey of Cyber Security Challenges, Solutions and Future Directions." Electronics 9, no. 11 (2020): 1864.
"UPS has received landmark FAA approval to become the first-ever drone service operating as a commercial airline. Business Insider, 2020.
U.S. Policy Response to Coronavirus in Gaza. Policy Outlook – Carngie Endowment of International Peace, 2020.
US Sanctions on Iran: Implications for the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) ." ASIAN Journal of International Peace & Security (AJIPS) 4, no. 1 (2020).
"US Treasury and Commerce Department Targeted in Cyber-attack. BBC News, 2020.
On the Use of UAVs with a Slantrange Sensor System for Estimation of Crop Safety." Information & Security: An International Journal 45 (2020): 21-33.
" Using Futures Analysis to Develop Resilient Climate Change Mitigation Strategies." Imperial College London. , 2020.
"Using the Cyber Situational Awareness Concept for Protection of Agricultural Enterprise Management Information Systems." Information & Security: An International Journal 46, no. 2 (2020): 168-181.
"Utasítás COVID-19 fertőzött betegek ellátására alkalmas ágykapacitás bővítésére/Instruction to expand bed capacity to care for COVID-19 infected patients. Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma / Ministry of Human Capacities, 2020.
Uzbekistan Enters the Next Phase of Market Reforms with Renewed Support from the World Bank. The World Bank, 2020.
The Variety of University Cyber Security Programs - Is it Useful and Justified? In CSDM Views., 2020.
VG Leipzig gibt einem Krankenhaus Recht: Kreißsaalverbot für werdende Väter rechtens. Legal Tribune Online, 2020.
The viability of dynamic systems in difficult conditions: cognitive aspects In 2020 IEEE 11th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies (DESSERT). Kyiv, Ukraine, 2020.
Virus Having Temporary Impact on BRI Construction, Minister Says." China Daily (2020).