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Protecting Civilians., 2020.
Protecting Refugees in the Middle East from Coronavirus: A Fight against Two Reinforcing Contagions In POMEPS Studies . Vol. 39. Washington, DC: George Washington University, Elliott School of International Affairs, 2020.
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Research on situation awareness of network security assessment based on dempster-shafer In 2019 International Conference on Computer Science Communication and Network Security (CSCNS2019). Vol. 309. MATEC Web of Conferences, 2020.
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Resilience and Determination: Women, Peace and Security in the Time of COVID–19. ACCORD (African Centre for the Reconstructive Resolution of Disputes), 2020.
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"Resilience in the Anthropocene: Governance and Politics at the End of the World. London: Routledge, 2020.
Resilience Management Framework for Critical Information Infrastructure: Designing the Level of Trust that Encourages the Exchange of Health Data." Information & Security: An International Journal 47, no. 1 (2020): 91-108.