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It Based Innovation at the Management Mindset of Organisations." Dijital Çağda İşletmecilik Dergisi 3, no. 2 (2020).
"IT Law Wiki., 2020.
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ITUC-ICC Open letter to the G20 Heads of State and Government_EN In Open letter to Heads of State and Government of the countries of the Group 20. ITUC Website, 2020.
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IVS-465 In Technical data. Experience and Reliability in Radar-Technology, 2020.
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"The Joint Stock Company “FED” ., 2020.
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""Karakachanov Foresees Prolongation of the Emergency Situation." Sega (2020).
Konspirationsteorier: En handbok., 2020.
Kooperation im Politikfeld Sicherheit. Wiesbaden: Springer, 2020.
Koronavírus: Nyolc nap alatt mintegy 36 ezer ágyat kell kiüríteniük a kórházaknak [During eight days hospitals have to vacate approximately 36 thousand beds]." Népszava (2020).
""Kubernetes scalability and performance SLIs/SLOs." GitHub (2020).
The Kurdish Model of Political Community: A Vision of National Liberation Defiant of the Nation-state. Rowman & Littlefield, 2020.
Kurdská menšina a Strana spravedlnosti a rozvoje Turecka: Příčiny sekuritizace “kurdské otázky”. Vol. Diplomová práce. Praha: Vysoká škola CEVRO Institut, 2020.
La expansión de la guerra informativa rusa (2000-2018)." Revista electrónica de estudios internacionales (REEI) 39 (2020).
"Labour Relations and the Information Security of the State during the Covid-19 Pandemics." Information & Security: An International Journal 45 (2020): 77-88.
"Lack of Testing Raises Fears of Coronavirus Surge in Eastern Europe." The Guardian (2020).
""Law on the Measures and Activities during the Emergency." State Gazette (2020).