Export 21463 results:
When is a Hack an Attack? A Sovereign States Options if Attacked in Cyberspace: A Case Study of Estonia 2007 In Research Report. Alabama: Air Command And Staff College Air University Maxwell Air Force Base, 2009.
Whither the Euro-Atlantic Partnership? Partnership and NATO’s New Strategic Concept In GCSP Geneva Papers. Vol. 10. Geneva: Geneva Centre for Security Policy, 2009.
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"Who Owns the Arctic: Understanding Sovereignty Disputes in the North. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 2009.
Who’s Who Intergovernmentally in SSR." Developing a Security Sector Re¬form (SSR) Concept for the United Nations (2009): 23-25.
"Who’s Who on Putin’s Payroll?. Project Syndicate, 2009.
Whose Agenda Is Served by the Idea of a Shia Crescent?" Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations 8, no. 1 (2009): 114-35.
"Wireless Quality of Service : Techniques, Standards, and Applications. Boca Raton: Auerbach Publications, 2009.
Working with Scenarios, Risk Assessment and Capabilities in the National Safety and Security Strategy of the Netherlands In The Hague: Landelijk Operationeel Coördinatiecentrum., 2009.
The World Factbook . Washington, D.C.: Central Intelligence Agency, 2009.
The World Needs Spain’s Universal Jurisdiction Law. Human Rights Watch, 2009.
The Wrench and the Ratchet: Cultural Mediation in a Contemporary Liberation Struggle." Public Culture 21, no. 2 (2009): 377-402.
"Written Answers In Questions by Lord Patten on Cybersecurity. UK Parliament, 2009.
Współczesne piractwo morskie zagrożeniem dla międzynarodowego transportu morskiego. Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Marynarki Wojennej, 2009.
Xen Worlds: Leveraging Virtualization in Distance Education. ITiCSE'09, 2009.
Xinjiang and Central Asia: Interdependency, not Integration." In China, Xinji-ang and Central Asia: History, Transition and Crossborder Interaction into the 21st Century, 96. London: Routledge, 2009.
"Yes, Globalization Passed Its Peak." Foreign Affairs (2009).
"Zehn Jahre auf der NATO-Agenda – Terrorismusbekämpfung durch die Nordatlantische Allianz." Sicherheit und Frieden (S+F) / Security and Peace 27, no. 2 (2009).
"Zpravodajské služby v nové demokracii . Česká republika, Brno: Společnost pro odbornou literaturu Barrister&Principal, 2009.
Źródła nienawiści. Konflikty etniczne w krajach postkomunistycznych. Kraków-Warsaw: Instytut Wydawniczy Erica, 2009.
Zwischen Europa und Amerika: Polens Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik nach 1989. Springer-Verlag, 2009.
Європейська Політика Франції За Президентства Жака Ширака In Інститут Міжнародних Відносин. Vol. Кандидата політичних наук. Київ: Київський Національний Університет Імені Тараса Шевченка, 2009.
Анализ на човешкия фактор при виртуални компютърно подпомагани учения за извънредни ситуации. Институт Джордж Маршал, 2009.
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"Закон за отбраната и въоръжените сили на Република България. Vol. ДВ, бр. 35 от 12.05.2009 г., посл. изм. обн. ДВ, бр.23 от 22.03.2011 г., 2009.