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"Sending Kazakh Servicemen toAfghanistan Will Endanger National Security–Expert." Interfax-AVN (2011).
Senior Russian Army Officers Resign over Military Reforms – Paper. RIA Novosti, 2011.
Seniors Language Paradigms: 21 St Century Jargon and the Impact on Computer Security and Financial Transactions for Senior Citizens In 9th Australian Information Security Management Conference., 2011.
Separating Normalcy from Emergency: the Jurisprudence of Article 15 of the European Convention on Human Rights." German Law Journal 12, no. 10 (2011): 1764-85.
"Separation as a Solution to Ethnic Conflicts: The Case of Nagorno-Karabakh In School of Arts and Sciences. Vol. Master of Arts in International Affairs. Lebanese American University, 2011.
Serdyukov Signals ‘First Stage’ in ‘Military Reform’ Nearing Completion." Eurasia Daily Monitor 8, no. 191 (2011).
"Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by un Peacekeepers: The Psychosocial Context of Behaviour Change, Scientia Militaria." South African Journal of Military Studies 39, no. 1 (2011): 1-15.
"Shaping Public Attitudes Towards the Deployment of Military Power: NATO, Afghanistan and the Use of Strategic Narratives." European Security 20, no. 4 (2011): 505-528.
"Short Notice Military Deployment in Central and Eastern European NATO Member Countries: Bargaining Over Budgets and Domestic Sources of Foreign Policy. Budapest, Hungary: Central European University, 2011.
Siber Savaş-Ulusal Güvenliğe Yönelik Yeni Tehdit (Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do About It). Istanbul: Istabul Kültür University, 2011.
Situational Awareness., 2011.
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"Slow Learners: How Iraq and Afghanistan Forced Britain to Rethink COIN ." Armed Forces Journal (2011).
"Smart defence and management: A managerial view to the 2010 report on the status of Bulgaria’s defence and armed forces In CSDM Views. Sofia: Centre for Security and Defence Management, 2011.
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"SOCAR: New Shipyard to Strengthen Azerbaijan’s Position in Caspian., 2011.
Social Media and Disasters: Current Uses, Future Options, and Policy Consid-erations. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 2011.
Social Media as a Tool for Protest. Security Weekly, 2011.
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"Social Media: The Frontline of Cyberdefence?" NATO Review (2011).
"Social Networking Market 2011-2015. The Radicati Group, Inc., 2011.
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Social Resilience. The Value of Social Fitness with an Application to the Military." American Psychological Association 66, no. 1 (2011): 43-51.
"Social Risk Assessment from Natural Hazards Using Fuzzy Logic." International Journal of Social Science and Humanity 1, no. 3 (2011).