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Conceptual Modelling in Simulation of Military Logistics Processes – Field Maintenance Modelling." Home Journal of Defence & Security Technologies 3, no. 6 (2020): 100-110.
"CONCORDIA Consortium., 2020.
Conflict Resilience and the Image of the Other among North and South Koreans." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 19, no. 4 (2020): 109-120.
"On Conflicts, Interests, Goals, Power, and Security In CSDM Views., 2020.
"Conspiracy Theories in Russian Security Thinking." Journal of Strategic Studies (2020).
"The Conspiracy Theory Handbook. NSC OPIR, 2020.
Contemporary Policy Challenges in Protecting the Homeland." Policy Studies Journal 2020 48(S1), no. S33-S46 (2020).
" Coordinating a Multi-Platform Disinformation Campaign: Internet Research Agency Activity on Three U.S. Social Media Platforms, 2015 to 2017." Political Communication 37, no. 2 (2020).
"Co-production of Cybersecurity: A Case of Reported Data System Break-ins." Police Practice and Research: An International Journal 21, no. 1 (2020): 78-94.
"Corona-Pandemie – Keine Aussetzung des Vollzugs der Bayerischen Infektionsschutzmaßnahmeverordnung. München: Verwaltungsgerichtshof, 2020.
Coronavirus and It’s Impact on the Belt and Road." Modern Diplomacy (2020).
"On Coronavirus, Beware the Totalitarian Temptation In The American Interest., 2020.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak: Short- and long-term actions for CIOs In Gartner report ., 2020.
Coronavirus: European Solidarity in Action. EU Commission, 2020.
The Coronavirus Is Already Reshaping Defense Strategies." The Washington Post (2020).
" "Coronavirus: Lies Roughly and Wholesale. Deutsche Welle, 2020.
Coronavirus Pandemic and Reactions in the EU Accession Classes of 2004-2007." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 19, no. 2 (2020): 37-47.
" Coronavirus Response. EU Commission, 2020.
"Coronavirus: Saudi Arabia confirms first death as cases spike." Middle East Eye (2020).
Coronavirus Threatens Freedom in North Africa. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2020.
The Coronavirus Will Not Be Fatal for China’s Belt and Road Initiative but It Will Strike a Heavy Blow." South China Morning Post (2020).