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Best Practices in the Application of the Concept of Resilience: Building Hybrid Warfare and Cybersecurity Capabilities in the Hungarian Defense Forces." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 19, no. 4 (2020): 25-38.
"A Better Reset: How to Improve U.S.-Russian Relations." Marcellus Policy Analysis 4 (2020).
"Between War and Peace: Toward Creating a Norsof Strategy to Defend Against Gray Zone Threats In Naval Postgraduate School. Vol. Master’s thesis. Monterey, CA, 2020.
The Black Sea: How America can avoid a great-power conflict. Brookings, 2020.
Blockchain Technology on Smart Grid, Energy Trading, and Big Data: Security Issues, Challenges, and Recommendations." Metaheuristic Algorithms for Big Data Analytics within the Internet of Things 2020 (2020).
"Booster or Brake? COVID and the Belt and Road Initiative. Rhodium Group, 2020.
Borissov in Terem: T-72 tanks modernized in Bulgaria. BNT news, 2020.
BRI Projects Not Affected by Coronavirus, Official Says." China Daily (2020).
"Broadcasting – Media Incomes by Enterprises. National Commission of Communication, 2020.
Building National Resilience – Creating a Strong and Flexible Country. Tokyo: Cabinet Secretariat, 2020.
Building of Directed Weighted Networks of Terms for Decision-Making Support During Information Operations Recognition." In MODS 2020: Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Systems (MODS'2020) ., 2020.
"Business Intelligence Approach to Support Decision Making in Publishing Sector In 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO). Opatija, Croatia, 2020.
Call for Views on Amending the NIS Regulations 2018 In Policy Paper., 2020.
Canadian decision to halt tech exports exposes key weakness in Turkish drone industry. Turkish Minute, 2020.
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Cartographier un angle mort : la surprise stratégique des opérations informationnelles russes sur les réseaux sociaux en 2016." Hérodote 2, no. 3 (2020): 177-178.
"Case Study: Attacks and Defence Modelling Approach for Cyber Security." International Journal of Business Management and Administration (IJBMA) 1, no. 1 (2020).
"Central Asian States Can’t Hide the Coronavirus Any Longer. Authoritarian States Have Been Downplaying Numbers. That Won’t Last." Foreign Policy (2020).
"Chad to stop Participating in Regional fight against Armed Groups. Aljazeera, 2020.
Challenges and Opportunities for Network Intrusion Detection in a Big Data Environment." In DIGILIENCE 2020., 2020.
"Challenges in Social Network Research: Methods and Applications: Lecture Notes in Social Network . Springer, 2020.
China and COVID-19 in MENA." POMEPS Studies 39, no. Special Issue on the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Middle East and North Africa (2020).