Export 21463 results:
Second Chief Information Officers Conference. NATO Communications and Information Agency, 2013.
Secrets and threats – why hard drives were smashed." Guardian (2013): 4-5.
"Secular Theology and Noble Sacrifice: The Ethics of Michael Walzer's Just War Theory." Review of International Studies (2013).
"Secure E-Government Framework: Design and Implementation." International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Technology (IJCSET) 3, no. 5 (2013): 186-193.
"Secure e-Payment Portal Solutions Using Mobile Technologies and Citizen Identity Scheme In Department of Mathematics. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy. London: Royal Holloway, University of London, 2013.
Secure IP Network Model, Computational Method." Science and Technology 19, no. 4 (2013): 209-213.
"Secure Transmission of Mobile Agent in Dynamic Distributed Environments." Wireless Personal Communications 70, no. 2 (2013): 641-656.
"Securing energy or energising security: the impact of Russia's energy policy on Turkey's accession to the European Union." Journal of International Relations and Development 16, no. 3 (2013).
"Securing the Future of European Defense. Paris: EU Institute for Security Studies, 2013.
Security Agencies and Parliamentary Committees of Inquiry in Germany: Transparency vs. Confidentiality." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 12, no. 4 (2013): 51-74.
"Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations In Special Publication., 2013.
Security and Quality Issues in Trusting E-Government Service Delivery." In Managing Trust in Cyberspace., 2013.
"Security Assessment and Green Issues of FPGA-Based Information and Control Systems In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference Digital Technologies DT2013. Žilina, Slovakia, 2013.
Security assessment and green issues of FPGA-based information & control systems In Digital Technologies (DT), 2013 International Conference on, pp. 185-190. IEEE, 2013.
Security in the South Caucasus: the EU, NATO and Russia In NOREF Policy Brief. Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Centre, 2013.
The Security of Information in Financial Transactions via Mobile: Algorithms." International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Security 1, no. 6 (2013): 257-263.
"Security Perceptions: The Views from Armenia, Azerbaijan & Georgia." In The South Caucasus 2018: Facts, Trends, Future Scenarios, 205-206. Tbilisi: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2013.
"Security Policy 2013. Ministry of Interior, 2013.
Security Sector Reform in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan: What Role for Europe?. EUCAM, 2013.
Seismic hazard across Bulgaria and neighbouring areas: regional and site-specific maximum credible magnitudes and earthquake perceptibility." Natural Hazards 68, no. 2 (2013): 271-319.
"Self-Determination without Nationalism: A Theory of Postnational Sovereignty. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 2013.
Senate interrogates NSA over extent of its snooping." Guardian (2013): 24.
"Senate Panel presses NSA on phone logs." New York Times (2013).