
Export 21463 results:
Yakış, Yaşar. "Turkey after the Arab Spring: Policy Dilemmas." Middle East Policy 21, no. 1 (2014).
Turkey and the PKK: Saving the Peace Process In International Crisis Group Europe Report., 2014.
Altier, Mary Beth, Christian Thoroughgood, and John Horgan. "Turning Away From Terrorism: Lessons from Psychology, Sociology, and Criminology." Journal of Peace Research 51, no. 5 (2014): 647-61.
Klausen, Jytte. "Tweeting the Jihad: Social Media Networks of Western Foreign Fighters in Syria and Iraq." Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 38, no. 1 (2014): 1-22.
Two votes out of four – Armenia in EEU as a means of pressure on Kazakhstan and Belarus (Dva golosa iz chetyryeh – Armenia v EAES kak faktor davleniya na Kazakhstan i Belorussiyu). IA Regnum, 2014.
U Aksjonova s Temirgalievym Isterika (У Аксёнова с Темиргалиевым истерика: Генштаб Украины готовит освобождение Крыма от сепаратистов и российских оккупантов). Flot, 2014.
Brandon, James. The UK’s Counter-Radicalization Strategy Just Failed; What Now?. War on the Rocks, 2014.
Watt, Nicholas. "UK seeking to ensure Russia sanctions do not harm City of London." (2014).
Freedman, Lawrence. "Ukraine and the Art of Limited War." Survival 56, no. 6 (2014): 7-38.
Bandow, Doug. Ukraine Crisis Reminds Americans Why NATO Should Not Expand: Not To Ukraine, Georgia, Or Anyone Else In Forbes., 2014.
Ukraine Crisis: Russia and Sanctions. BBC News, 2014.
Balci, Bayram, and Daniyar Kosnazarov. "The Ukraine Crisis’s Central Asian Echoes." Carnegie Moscow Center (2014).
Balci, Bayram, and Daniyar Kosnazarov. "The Ukraine Crisis’s Central Asian Echoes." Carnegie Moscow Center (2014).
McMahon, Robert. Ukraine in Crisis. Council on Foreign Relations, 2014.
Sutyagin, Igor, and Michael Clarke. Ukraine Military Dispositions. The Military Ticks Up while the Clock Ticks Down In RUSI Briefing Paper. Royal United Services Institute, 2014.
Jones, Sam. "Ukraine PM’s office hit by cyber attack linked to Russia." Financial Times (2014).
Ukraine: Putin Signs Crimea Annexation In BBC News., 2014.
Ukraine. Request for a Stand-By Arrangement In IMF Country Report. Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2014.
Jones, Sam. "Ukraine: Russia’s New Art of War." Financial Times (2014).
Ames, Paul. "Ukraine’s Diaspora Could Be Key to Recovery." Global Post (2014).
Mosendz, Polly. "Ukraine’s Military Budget Will Be over $3 Billion in 2015." Newsweek (2014).
Galeotti, Mark. "Ukraine’s Mob War." Foreign Policy (2014).
Zurcher, Anthony. Ukraine’s nuclear regret?. BBC News, 2014.
Smale, Alison, and Andrew Roth. "Ukraine Says That Militants Won the East." The New York Times (2014).
Christie, Paul. Ukraine`s fate no one cares In Economic Bulletin. Bremen, Lower Saxony, Germany: Professional Public Conversation by the European, 2014.
