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Towards Data-centric Security for NATO Operations." In DIGILIENCE 2020., 2020.
"Cybersecurity Innovation in NATO: Lessons Learned and Recommendations." Information & Security: An International Journal 36 (2017).
"Assisted Content-based Labelling and Classification of Documents In Proceedings of the International Conference on Military Communications and Information System (ICMCIS)., 2016.
Developing a NATO BYOD Security Policy In International Conference on Military Communications and Information System, ICMCIS. Brussels, Belgium, 2016.
Hold & Sign: A Novel Behavioral Biometrics for Smartphone User Authentication(link is external) In Proceedings of the Mobile Security Technologies Workshop (MOST), in conjunction with 37th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. San Jose, CA, 2016.
ITSME: Multi-modal and Unobtrusive Behavioural User Authentication for Smartphones." In Technology and Practice of Passwords, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 45-61. Vol. 9551. Cham: Springer, 2015.
"Securing the Internet of Things a military perspective In IEEE 2nd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT). Milan, Italy, 2015.
Touchstroke: Smartphone User Authentication Based on Touch-Typing Biometrics." In New Trends in Image Analysis and Processing − ICIAP 2015 Workshops. Cham: Springer, 2015.
"Cyber Defence Situational Awareness and Dynamic Risk Assessment." In Presentation at the NATO Research and Technology Organisation Symposium on Information Assurance and Cyber Defence, IST-091. Tallin, Estonia, 2010.