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Ensuring Democratic Control of Armed Forces – The Enduring Challenges." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 22, no. 1 (2023): 29-52.
" Evaluation techniques for cyber threats in network management systems In IT4Sec Reports., 2023.
February 2022: Russia And Europe’s Challenging Time The Practice Approach." Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies 21, no. 1 (2023).
"From Soviet Active Measures to Russian Information Warfare." Qeios (2023).
"”Frozen, slightly hungry but proud Finns are heading for NATO…” Strategiset narratiivit Suomesta ja Suomen Nato-jäsenyysprosessista venäläisen News Front -propagandasivuston uutisissa In Valtiotieteellinen tiedekunta, Politiikan ja viestinnän maisteriohjelma, Viestinnän opintosuunta. Vol. Pro gradu -tutkielma. Helsingin yliopisto, 2023.
Fueling Instability: European Foreign and Energy Policies in the Wider Black Sea Area." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 22, no. 3 (2023): 85-101.
"The Future of the Comprehensive Approach as a Strategy for Intervention." In Violence in Extreme Conditions: Ethical Challenges in Military Practice, 87-98. Springer, Cham, 2023.
"Game theory in network security for digital twins in industry." Digital Communications and Networks (2023).
"Geopolitical Transformation in Eastern Mediterranean; Restructuring Role of Greece and the Impact of Abraham Accord." International Studies (2023).
"Geopolitics of Energy: Pakistan-China Energy and Economic Corridor for Poverty Alleviation in Pakistan In School of Integrated Social Sciences. Vol. Doctor. Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan: The University of Lahore, 2023.
The Growing Western Interest in the Black Sea." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 22, no. 3 (2023): 31-43.
"Havalimanlarindaki Terör Saldirilarilarina Karşi Alinabilecek Önlemlerin Mimari Açidan Değerlendirilmesi." Journal of International Social Research 16, no. 99 (2023): 1.
"The historical development of research and study centers in the United States of America." The Journal of Duhok University 26, no. 1 (2023).
"Historical Experience of the British Armed Forces in Countering Domestic Terrorism." „South Аrchive” (Historical Sciences), no. XLІV (2023).
"How to Save the West: Ancient Wisdom for 5 Modern Crises. Simon and Schuster, 2023.
Human Trafficking Interventions (HTI): A Rapid Documentary Analysis of Central Asia Region’s (CAR) Efforts." Ilomata International Journal of Social Science 4, no. 2 (2023).
"“Human Trafficking Is Modern Day Slavery”: Rev. Margaret Fowler, Sex Work and Trafficking." Religions 14, no. 6 (2023): 687.
"Hybrid and Information Warfare: Challenging Topics for Risk Communication In 33rdEuropeanSafety and ReliabilityConference (ESREL2023). Singapore: Research Publishing, 2023.
Hybrid Warfare Revisited: A Battle of ‘Buzzwords’." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 22, no. 1 (2023): 7-28.
"The Image of a Bulgarian Politician “With Epaulettes”: Advantages and Disadvantages In CSDM Views., 2023.
The Impact of International Sanctions on Russia: Challenges for Georgia." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 22, no. 3 (2023): 103-126.
"The Impact of the Russian-Ukrainian Hybrid War on the European Union's Cybersecurity Policies and Regulations." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 22, no. 2 (2023): 75-90.
"Insurgencies & organized crime: the essential elements of information." Small Wars & Insurgencies (2023).
"Interpretability of AI Systems in Electronic Governance In International Conference on Electronic Governance with Emerging Technologies, EGETC 2022: Electronic Governance with Emerging Technologies ., 2023.