Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Callaghan, Nina, and Robyn Foley. "Capturing the Мessage." In Anatomy of State Capture . African Sun Media, 2021. Dadabaev, Timur. "Nationhood through Neighborhood? From State Sovereignty to Regional Belonging in Central Asia." Journal of Borderlands Studies (2021). Jeremias, Ana Teresa Nog. Ator Coletivo Nos Serviços De Saúde Militares Em Portugal (2018): Focos de comprometimento, colaboração interprofissional, seus determinantes e efeitos na satisfação e motivação. Vol. Doutora no ramo de Administração Pública na especialidade de Administração da Saúde. Lisboa: Universidade de Lisboa, 2021. Hartono, H, and Joko Triloka. Method for Detection and Mitigation Cross Site Scripting Attack on Multi-Websites In 7th ICITB - Conference on Information Technology and Business 2021 ., 2021. Williams, Heather J.., Alexanda T.. Evans, Jami E. Ryan, Erik E. Mueller, and Bryce Downin. "The Online Extremist Ecosystem." Perspective - Expert insights on a timely policy issue (2021). Lewandowsky, Stephan, and John Cook. Konspirationsteorier: En handbok., 2020. Cardoso, Joana I. Lacerda. Understanding Interoperability in the Co-Design of Cyber-Physical Systems: A Causal Graph-Based Method. Vol. Doctor. Stevens Institute of Technology, 2021. Arild, Sunde. National Resilience as a Tool to Counter Hybrid Threats., 2021. Wrange, Jana. "Entangled security logics: from the decision-makers’ discourses to the decision-takers’ interpretations of civil defence." European Security (2022). Griffin, Angela. Maritime Cybersecurity Strategies for Information Technology Specialists. Walden University, 2021. Павлова-Трайкова, Ели, and Иван Ц. Маринов. "Оценка на ерозионния риск в горските територии от водосбора на река Отовица, приток на Джерман." FOREST SCIENCE 2 (2021). Ohshima, Naoki. "Super Hybrid-Flexible Type Classroom Using H. 323 On-Premise Video Ccnference System and Online WEB Meeting Service." International Journal of Education and Pedagogy, no. 4 (2021). Pandey, Shipra, Rajesh K. Singh, and Angappa Gunasekaran. "Supply chain risks in Industry 4.0 environment: review and analysis framework." In Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations ., 2019. Ben Farah, Mohamed Amine, Elochukwu Ukwandu, Hanan Hindy, David Brosset, Miroslav Bures, Ivan Andonovic, and Xavier Bellekens. "Cyber Security in the Maritime Industry: A Systematic Survey of Recent Advances and Future Trends." Information 13, no. 22 (2022). Mygal, Valeriy, Galyna Mygal, and Stanislav Mygal. "Transdisciplinary convergent approach - human factor ." Radioelectrnic and Computer Systems 4 (2021). Lande, Dmytro, Oleksandr Puchkov, and Ihor Subach. Aggregation of information on cybersecurity as a basis for the training course "Processing of large data sets" In Data Science., 2021. Ruffini, Alessandra, Andrea Salerno, and Francisco Simões. "Net-zero emissions: main technological, geopolitical, and economic consequences of the new energy scenario." SSRN (2022). Mooser, Alexis, Giorgio Anfuso, Hristo Stanchev, Margarita Stancheva, Allan T. Williams, and Pietro P. C. Aucelli. "Most Attractive Scenic Sites of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast: Characterization and Sensitivity to Natural and Human Factors." Land 11, no. 7 (2022). Zanasi, Alessandro, Daniele Cristofori, and Graziano Giorgi. The European Commission contribution to cybersecurity through the ECHO project In 2021 14th CMI International Conference - Critical ICT Infrastructures and Platforms (CMI). Copenhagen, Denmark , 2021. Андріївна, Цирканюк Діана, Соколов Волод Юрійович, Мазур Натал Петрівна, Козачок Валер Анатолійович, and Астапеня Волод Михайлович. "Метод побудови профілів користувача маркетплейсу і зловмисника." Cybersecurity 2, no. 14 (2021). Saura, Jose Ramon, Domingo Ribeiro-Soriano, and PabloZegarra Saldaña. "Exploring the challenges of remote work on Twitter users' sentiments: From digital technology development to a post-pandemic era Author links open overlay panel." Journal of Business Research 142 (2022). Muringani, Jonathan, and Josef Noll. Societal security and trust in digital societies: a socio-technical perspective In 2021 14th CMI International Conference - Critical ICT Infrastructures and Platforms (CMI). Copenhagen, Denmark , 2021. Kabira, Hellen Nyamuiru. A Public Key Infrastructure Model for Verification of Court Documents: the Judiciary of Kenya In Distributed Computing Technology. Vol. Master of Science . University of Nairobi , 2021. Indrajit, Richardus Eko, Marsetio Marsetio, Rudy A. G. Gultom, Pujo Widodo, Resmanto W. Putro, Pantja Djati, Siswo Hadi, Budi Pramono, and Luhut Simbolon. Unraveling the Complexity of Developing a National Cyber Defense Sovereignty Policy: A Case Study of Indonesia In 2021 Sixth International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC). Jakarta, Indonesia, 2021. Pandey, M., R. Agarwal, SK Shukla, and NK Verma. "Security of Healthcare Data Using Blockchains." In Blockchain in Digital Healthcare., 2021. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 … следваща › последна »